2 types of charge

Day 1

Today in science the whole class had to do an experiment to see if an object attracts or rejects the other object just like the saying for couples opposites attract and that is true if a negative and positive come close to contact they will attract unlike the same charges that repel each other like positive & positive and negative & negative.

12899911_1591338224518684_1491044994_n (2)opposite charges12939436_1591338194518687_1956896532_n (2)same charges

we also learned that Vinyl carries negative charges when rubbed with wool because wool is positive charged and when you rub it with vinyl the electrons from the wool leave and go to the vinyl which is negative. unlike the acetate strip which carries positive charges when rubbed with cotton  because when the acetate strip loses electrons to the cotton the acetate strip then has a positive charge, and the cotton has a negative charge because the cotton takes the charges of the strip away.

Day 2

did you know that if a neutral object is close to a charged object the electrons on the neutral object are attracted to the closer side of the object to the charged object.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for your answers and pictures on this post. I like how you split this up into day 1 and day 2. You answers are bang on. Your pictures are very telling. Good work!


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