
Crystal form
bead form

compound name- Ammonium Nitrate


Physical properties

density- 1.73 g (solid)

melting point- 169 °C

boiling point- 210 °C


Uses- Ammonium Nitrate is commonly used as a component in fertilizers (gardening) and is a very important chemical in the farming industry.Nitrogen is an essential plant nutrient that helps the plants growth and is very affordable .


Ammonium nitrate is used in manufacturing explosives. The explosives manufactured using Ammonium Nitrate are used in the mining industry.

Questions & Answers

What is Ammonium Nitrate? – Ammonium Nitrate is typically a white solid that dissolves in water. The solid can either have a crystal form or a bead form.

What makes Ammonium Nitrate so explosive?-Ammonium Nitrate is not an explosive by itself. However, it is one of the ingredients used for manufacture of explosives. It is classified as an oxidizer.Other ingredients like fuel etc. have to be added to make it an explosive.


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