Ali, Mahdi-Power information influency-Electric Cars

Name: Ali, Mahdi                                                                                                                                                 Date:1/15/2020

Electric Cars


Part 1: share

  1. a)

Here is the Chevrolet Corvette which is officially the fastest street legal electric car in the world now. The Chevrolet corvette can drive up to speeds around 186.8 miles per hour. And can reach 60 mph in just three seconds. As anyone would expect, this speed demon goes for $335,000. And surprisingly this vehicle also uses manual transmission like any other street legal race car.

This is one of history greatest milestone, the first fully electric car. And was built and developed in the united states by Willian Morrison, in the years of 1890-1891. It didn’t quite have a name other than being know as “the electric car” but the vehicle itself and the concept was invented by Scotsman Robert Anderson. It worked on using two electromagnets, a pivot and a battery.




Now if you think about most modern electric cars, the most successful company at the moment is “Tesla” and is well know for there vehicles abilities like the new “Cybertruck” as an example can have auto pilot and so do all the other tesla vehicles but it is an option that charges around an extra $3,000 and if pre ordered, about $5,000. And the actual definition of electric is that ”An electric car is an automobile that is propelled by one or more electric motors, using energy stored in rechargeable batteries” and one of the main reasons that most automobile corporations are making these changing to electric cars or “E car” is because our climate is changing, so we have to change our ways of living too. And one of them is pour use of transport. For example now we have the knowledge of making electrics ar, trains boats and we might even publish electric commercial airliners.


Part 1: Share


Electric cars have many benefits like keeping a safe environment by using electricity instead of gasoline and some electric cars like tesla make it easier to drive for you. But if I was to make a statement to Justin Trudeau, I would say that making it easier in general to get E-Cars would be a great move and probably lowering prices can create quite a large impact on the future of this environment or this world’s climate change problem such as forest fires probabilities rising and rising water do to the melting of glaciers etc. Because using these tactics, the government can influence using E-Cars way better this way and more effectively like speaking about this topic more in front of the public more often to show the urgency about needing more E-Cars.



Part 2: Answer

  1. a) 1) What is the fastest electric car?

2)What was the first Electric car?

3)Why were electric cars made?

4)Will electric cars have a major impact on the future and why?

5)Is it possible that electric cars could be a necessity in a few years from now?

6)Is there a possibility that electric cars will be mandatory at some point?

7)Are there any ways that electric cars can possibly affect the environment negatively?

8)Have electric cars been a concept for a long thought out period, or is it a new concept that still can be improve way more than we can think?

9)Can electric car possible give advantages to criminal activity?

10) Will electric cars be one of societies biggest advantages against climate change



I used a good number of digital tools such as

World Book online, World book student, Google, Bing, Gale engage learning science in context. And even a URL Shortener.


  1. c)

The process of that I took to investigate E-Cars started off by searching up some of my guiding question on search on a variety of search engines to see what differences were in the answer and which I could probably trust the most and I ended up using “World book online”, as I trusted from last year in grade 8 and found it as a trusted, resourceful, useful site. Then I began to search up more general type questions like what E-Cars and the literate definition are, or Why were electric cars made. Not that long after that I was beginning to put everything together, all of what I know and searched up onto the document piece by piece until it was one singular project.





  1. d)

I verified my information by checking where I got the tools that I used most such as gale engage learning science in context, and world book online which the two were found on the district pas making them school influenced databases. I cited all my images and information using MLA style by using a sheet that I was given by a teacher that explains on how to cite MLA style, but then realizing there are website for these kinds of thing I started to just use Citation Machine.NET.


The process of this challenge went well for me because I would say I divided my time well also asked a few friends of mine too on different websites and school influenced databases they knew about. But the only thing that might’ve been the largest struggle for me was just posting on my edublog as it was difficult when having handing in late and doing other thing from subject like math convo 10 that were do this week. I think there were a few things I could have done better such as the overall view of this document because I didn’t really use font much or highlighting, bolding etc. And maybe my questions I needed to research my topic because I think I could make more guiding questions and maybe just more questions in ge

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