Advertising Target Markets

IKEA made the ad, “Start Something New”, to be more of an open range ad that can apply to Young adults and older, mostly those who can be mature and don’t just see this ad as some random guy walking around with a pink chair.  The target audience could be young adults and older like other seniors and regular adults. The message doesn’t quite push a new product, but just gives a nice message and possibly could give people the idea that IKEA might care about their customer’s decisions in life.  The two main advertising techniques that were included in the ad were plain folk and transference.  These two make the most sense because firstly plain folk was very obvious since the man in the commercial seemed to be a very ordinary man at the beginning of the video who was clearly a senior and retired. The same thing was happening day after day until the man saw someone else take his spot on the bench feeding the birds.  After that, he decided to make a change, and try something new.  Where transference plays a part.  They show how he brings his own chair and goes to other places rather than the same place.  He then goes on to explore the world including, meeting new people, trying new things, going places, which are all positive ideas and images that can be appealing to consumers thinking to buy from IKEA or not.

Short Story to Newspaper article – “There will come soft rains”

Ali Mahdi

October 8

New media 10

Mr. Barazzuol

Analysis of My Newspaper article

The process I took to convert the short story I chose which was “There will come soft rains” to a Newspaper article required plenty of creativity and imagination.  An example is when I added a bit to the story by saying that there was a scavenger near the house that decided to film the house working on its own when there was no scavenger in the real story but I needed a character that somehow captures the event since how else would someone know about the event.  I created a headline that goes “Atomic Warfare Flattens 80% of the U.S.A.“. For the lead paragraph, I included the story, which was slightly modified when it came down to the characters and setting to make the story work in a newspaper article format.  For the additional information, I created adds for some of the objects in the short story like the fully automated house which I called the “Home 3000” in the newspaper article.  I did the same with the cleaning mice, and some others to fill in some space.  When it came to the Explanation aspect of the newspaper article, I Wrote “go to 3rd page to read more” at the end of the lead paragraph, where I do the explaining in detail on the third page and a paragraph on the front page that includes an interview of a local.  To make the story work with a newspaper article, I made the setting a kind that still has media like the internet so there is some sense to how the article and the lead paragraph was originated.  Turning the short story into something you can put in a newspaper wasn’t the hard part, for me, for me it was trying to make the newspaper look appealing and not boring with multiple photos and coming up with ideas like creating an interview with a local or creating ads to fill in the white spaces.  I created a third page for the explanation that talks more about the dog that somehow survived but died very soon.  Other than that, adjusting the story just took time and creativity. 





Writing Types

a) In your own words, what are the four writing types?

The four writing types are Descriptive, expository, persuasive, and Narrative.  Each one is unique and is used differently.  Descriptive is when you are describing something in great detail with elevated language and using the five senses while writing and describing things like rain air sound etc.  The second one, expository is giving you the straight facts and numbers, not using opinion.  It is a more informative way of writing like something that happened in the past that is something that happened as an event, for example, the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  It Is not opinion and something that took place in the real world.  The third one is persuasive, which is the opposite of the second and is all opinion not based on facts and numbers.  It usually is a writing type that includes suggestions and idea that the writer wants you to agree with them on and wants you to make a move usually and act on what the writer has an opinion about.  The fourth and last one is Narrative, where there is a story being told fiction or non-fiction and has a setting, action, and character.

b) After reading the comic, “Represent,” by Christian Cooper, which writing type would this be categorized under?

I would say that this comic by Christian cooper would be categorized under Narrative and, expository.  I think that this comic has these two writing types because it is a story and has a setting action, and a character, which makes it narrative.  I also said expository because the story/comic includes events that have happened in the past and are not an opinion but an actual fact for example that George Floyd died from a police officer on his neck and couldn’t breathe for almost nine minutes.

c) What is the comic showing us?

The comic is showing us how many people get stereotyped and that many people judge people by the color of there skin or their clothes without even listening to them an use the advantage of the disadvantage of the other person like in the book where the woman said she would cause the young black male that he was threatening her to the police and she has an advantage cause some might just arrest him right away without even hearing him talk.



DC Proudly Announces 'Represent!'; New Digital Comics from Underrepresented Voices | DC


Ali Mahdi

September 27,

New Media 10

Mr. Barazzuol

TimeLine communication that led to modern-day video games

Communication has many forms, but the one you will see on this timeline is the timeline of communication that led to modern-day video games.  The way that communication has to do with video games is that most modern video games like first-person shooter modes use the internet to play with other gamers online in multiplayer matches.  Continuity is the focal point of this timeline because everything was just another version and newer than the last which is part of the evolution in modern-day video game technology and communication. Example’s in this timeline include Wolfenstein was the first, first-person shooter but was not online and multiplayer but led to the pathway to darkness which was not FPS (first-person shooter), but was online and had LAN (Local Area Network), the party. That led to Quake which was a mix of both worlds being online and FPS. The SEGA Dreamcast became the first console that had online capabilities and was influenced by those games and took that risk.  After the Dreamcast, it was all uphill for online gaming and multiplayer. The Dreamcast led to an entire branch of online gaming and consoles.  Many companies saw how successful the Dreamcast was and many consoles came after that like the Wii from Nintendo, the PlayStation 3 from Sony, which was the first of the PlayStation series that had online capabilities and was the first console to have sold 100 million units, and the Xbox 360 which was also the first in its series to use the internet.  after consoles, mobile gaming was influenced and gaming, in general, was part of the mainstream of business.  So, mobile became a huge part of the industry because of its portability and how you game on the go while also have the ability to call the other uses of a phone. Because things like a PS vita are portable except only for gaming, but mobile games can be used on normal phones.  Mobile gaming was called by some the new cigarette because of its ease of usability even adults were playing them, like angry birds or candy crush.  At this point console gaming was something normal. New ones were always being made like Wii U, which was the continuation of the Wii, or the PlayStation 4, which was more new and improved than the PlayStation 3 in many ways.  All these companies were always coming up with something new almost every day rather than every few years like before and were always changing. Online gaming even until now it is only getting better and is uphill, a small example is that now the trigger for the PS5 that comes out this November will have resistance with different objects when using the triggers.  Online multiplayer communication has become something that will always affect the future of gaming and it all came from Wolfenstein 3D, but gaming, in general, came from pong.

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Analysis of Twitch

Ali Mahdi

September 20,

New Media 10

Mr. Barazzuol

Analysis of Twitch

Twitch is the worldwide most used streaming platform for gaming and non-gaming purposes, but mostly gaming.  This platform was created by Justin Kan. It started in 2011 but started to focus mainly on esports and gaming. Kan explained that Twitch had its start as, a Startup founded in 2005 when he was studying for a physics and psychology degree at Yale.  The original purpose for twitch which was when it was called was for vlogging or back then was called “streaming your life”(James Cook 2014). The current purpose for twitch at the moment is for people to stream themselves gaming live while you can watch them play games or do the same, and twitch also allows non-gaming content but mainly focuses on gaming.  Twitch which is almost like YouTube has streams and places ads inside streams from time to time while watching. They also make money by subscriptions and in-app currency named “Bits” (Lucas Fortney 2019). Some of the audience decides to buy this in-game currency to support and get a shout out form streamers they enjoy watching.  The process of creation for twitch started with its creator Justin Kan with his first company which was an online calendar called “Kiko software” (Maci 2020) But since it didn’t do very well, so the team sold it for around $250,000.  Twitch mostly focuses on ages 13- usually to 18 or over and can vary depending on what the audience is watching. A solid example

Twitch Revenue and Usage Statistics (2020) - Business of Apps

could be A 13-year-old watching someone playing Minecraft which Is for all ages and someone 18 could watch someone streaming a game that’s more violent or scary.  Twitch also has some unique jargon like “POTG” which means(Play Of The Game), or “Bit’s” which is a form of in-app purchases and is currency users use to support their favorite streamers or get shoutouts by them in the stream live. Some fun facts that can help the users of twitch are: Twitch is a video live streaming service operated by Twitch Interactive,  The company was introduced in 2011, Around 81.5% of Twitch users are male,  A person spends an average time of 95 minutes on Twitch daily, More than 50% of Twitch users range between the ages of 18-34. That is my thorough investigation on all I could find out about twitch.


work cited:,and%20psychology%20degree%20at%20Yale.&text=The%20team%20behind%20Kiko%20went,that%20would%20stream%20their%20lives.,also%20makes%20money%20from%20subscriptions.&text=Twitch%20also%20earns%20a%20cut,outs%20to%20streamers%20they%20like.

Castro, Alex. “Twitch”. The Verge Jul 22, 2020. 9/19/2020


@Twitch. Twitch. Twitter. May 30. 9/20/2020

Iqbaal, Mansour. Year-over-Year % change in average viewer on twitch.  Buissnes of apps. July 23, 2020, 9/18/2020


What is New Media?

New Media is multiple things and not just one, and the main things being two way interactions, on demand, online exchange, a way of communication, assccesible by internet etc. New media has many of ways to enhance the user’s learning … their technical skills,  but at the same time there are big amounts of parasites on it too and fake news that convinces some people easily and spreads and infects others with wrong ideas, but when it comes to  new media in general  it is very resourceful and useful when used properly on the bottom side of the new media pyrmaid with the more healthy media to consume.  Media consumption is usually fragmented by people by using multiple different types of media in different times of the day to be more organized, and to not consume all at once.  An example could be the user listens to some music on the bus to school, after school maybe watch a bit of Youtube after that.  Sometime after that the viewer might be using media for school like literature or articles for a project etc.  Many parents tend to help their children to fragment their media consumption better by incouraging sports and going outside, “back into the lives of children” (Scott Bedley 2017). The main point is that fragmented media is using media at different times.  Some ways everyone can use to consume media is being careful and safe when browsing websites.  A well known strategie to use is seeing if there is a green lock or if it is “http” or “https” to see if its secured. Another way is checking when the wbesite was last updated, if it’s made by a know company or someone that is relvant or not.  One of the easier ways is reading through and if  there are spelling mistakes it might not be a good choice of a website.  An important one is the domain and if it is “.net” it would not be a good idea and “.edu” would be bettter for education.

Kiev, Ukraine – January 11, 2016: Background of famous social media icons such as: Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Linkedin, Tumblr, Myspace and others, printed on paper.

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