Desmos Art Functions Card 2022 – Ali M

1) how you figured out what equations to use.

I analyzed the original image carefully and had a page with 10 examples for each function while analyzing, to see which function will best fit each line, and how to incorporate each different function.

(2) Did you have any challenges?

Yes, my biggest challenge was the coloring of the pointy hair, and the oval in the middle of the crown, which took almost a whole day of problem-solving and asking for others’ advice on it as well.

(3) Any aha moments?

Yes, especially when coloring a big space, there were always new things I learned along the way, like using inequalities, but with just numbers, to make rectangles which take up a lot of space.

(4) Did you get help?

Yes, I tried to do as much as I can to the best of my ability, but there were many times when I asked some friends who found out a “workaround” for tuff situations.

(5) Did you use any strategies?

Nothing really specific, but I did try to get one thing done at a time, and to finish one part of the drawing at a time, for example, I finished the facial structure first, then moved on to the facial features (eyes, nose, etc), then the crown, then hair, the neck, and then finally the collar.

(6) How did this assignment help you understand more about transformations of functions and relations? 

I understood the lines some functions make, which I never understood before. My skills in using inequalities in graphs have gotten better, and I better understand how each function can be used.

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