Community Connections



I chose to interview Tao because he is a good friend of my dad and if i was allowed i would interview my dad but I cant. And Tao has the same profession of my dad but it was interesting to hear from a different perspective and how he thinks about his work.  Because I can get a better idea of the work if I get more than one persons perspective and ideas.  Because with two understanding of a profession I can have an easier choice.

I Learnt that to be in the position Tao and my dad work as I need to start off and have a mechanical engineering back ground at the least.  And that the main part is since they are both experts at energy engineering they need to verify and make sure all building are up to standards and are quality buildings.  That will not fail for example in a earthquake.

The person I interviewed:

Tao Jang

His Roles and responsibilities:

Tao works as a Energy engineer working for BC hydro.

Works with the province, BC Hydro, other with his position etc. and collaborate with each other to make sure that building are up to standards.

Main goal would be energy code compliants for all buildings.  In a sense the energy policemen


I learnt that to be in the position Tao and my dad work as I need to start off and have a mechanical engineering back ground at the least.  And that the main part is since they are both experts at energy engineering they need to verify and make sure all building are up to standards and are quality buildings.  That will not fail for example in a earthquake.



a) Why are you passionate about you’re job?

He is passionate about his about his job because it was at the beginning  a regular job and bringing money to the family and getting a paycheck.  But now it is more of actually doing something good for the community while working for BC hydro.  And it takes a while to be thankful and understand how long it took to ge5 in thus position and get recognition.

b) What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

As a immigrant there language difference and knowing your dream if you work really hard being persistent and holding on to your dreams even when not in your home country but working hard enough can get you where you want to be even in these conditions of being from different backgrounds and countries.


c)What advice would you pass on to someone interested  in what you are doing?

IT depends on the personality because he is more of a technical person and being technical requires a lot of detail in what you do in everything and be persistent in it.  Because without being technical and detailed it can lead to not liking your job.  But if your more technical, it would be more of a passion and something you like to do. Not golden handcuffs where you dont like the  job but it pays well.  Which means in needs a lot of time will.  And being a energy modeler or engineer needs a strong background and experience of being a mechanical.


d) Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

Yes.  Students can contact by (604) -528-7283

e) What is you’re favorite part of you’re profession?

It would be energy model codes and making sure the project meet standards.  For example a warehouse without insulation, but with there involvement they can make sure it makes the quality of construction is there.  Which all requires some background of Mechanical Engineering to make sure you notice and pay attention all details.  Which is not in all personalities and requires people like me.


f)What would you recommend as a starting point for someone interested in what you are doing?

Consulting work, and stating building design of different types of buildings with mechanical design and after a few years slowly getting to where he is.  Energy efficiency and standard is a hot topic to get familiar along with you’re skills.  And through the mechanical engineering background you can get to simulating and energy engineering and representing real life performances and operations.  The disciplines together to finish the jobs are Building envelope, architecture, building, science, Lighting, mechanical.




1 Thought.

  1. Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublogs post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Way to incorporate your answers on your Edublogs portfolio

    Thank you,

    Mr. Robinson and Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teachers

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