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“People have to understand one thing: at the age of 18, I arrived at a dream club like Manchester United.  It was a dream come true?  But, even at that moment, I was thinking about playing in England for some years and then going to play in Spain.  Even at that time I was thinking that way, and I always gave 100% at everything” 

I chose this quote because it is a quote by my favorite soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo, but mainly for its meaning.  I apply this quote to my life when doing anything.  Because the quote is telling you to basically try your best at anything.  Even though you might feel like you’re at the top, you should always give 100% effort at everything.


Ronaldo’s best match

I chsoe this video to put on my edublog because I have watched many times and learned from it too as show’s my favorite soccer player “Cristiano Ronaldo’s” best match of his career.  Even though it’s not my career, I have learned alot from him and his matches like moves and skills to do in games and the energy and speed he has drives me to get better and be the best.


Name: Ali Mahdi                                                                                                                        Date: January 30, Thursday, 2019

Never backdown.

Did you know that tackling someone from behind while sprinting in soccer can cause a red card?


I chose this image as it means more than you can imagine to me, and for multiple reasons. Firstly it represents my passion, and how it doesn’t matter sun nor rain I would still go outside to play and train for my favorite sport in the world, Soccer.  I have taken a few pictures like this in the past, though this one stands out the most due to it showing my progression after me playing soccer all my life.  This photo appeals to me the most for its ability to show and represent so much in one singular photo.  Soccer has been a large and important part of my life, so when something like this can show that and can at times also give a message for example if you want to be the best at what you do you have to truly try and practice day and night, sun or rain.  Basically persistence, especially in sports it can positively affect you emotionally and physically.  It cannot be placed under a price tag, because when you deeply think more about everyday objects like these, they can truly have a deeper meaning like this one.  And what is incredible is that you don’t have to be the best in the world to think deeply and descriptively think about a photo like this.  You just need to put your mind to it write your ideas that come to your head that makes sense and it can end up being something you never thought you could do in the past.  I would want this photo to be a solid piece of work and to be a reminder of me to never be a couch potato and always go outside to train when there is a chance after all other responsibilities are finished to enhance my skills and be the best at what I do.  If I was to sum it all up in a few sentences I would say that giving up should never be an option and when I took this photo I kept it, I didn’t trash it.  Because though its not some antique or old ancient piece, I can still use it a times when I need a little bit of motivation and spirit to play well and remember how I do at practices to apply the same in games and in the end, Win.


I chose YouTube

As it being favorite website for it’s ability to have so much info on one single site, there’s endless videos and so much you can learn from it too.  You can use it for entertainment and for studying even religiously etc. if you use it right.  Overall it is an incredible website that has an app too and has never let me down when looking for a video.


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