The Gossiping Clams EFP 10

In my story ”The Gossiping Clams” there were some trouble-making Clams that sparked up unneeded arguments and negativity between the other animals due to their gossiping mouths. One day Revan finally got so tired of the gossiping of the clams he called in a council meeting with all the animals in attendance. In this council meeting, Revan discussed his frustration against the gossiping clams and with all the animals being like-minded to Revan they all decided a serious change needed to be done to put an end to this problem. By the end of the council meeting, the Beaver was selected to be the animal that figures out the solution to this problem. Beaver spent weeks upon weeks trying to come up with the perfect plan to get rid of the gossiping clams once in for all and he finally had an idea. His plan was to gather up all the clams and take them to the beach where he would bury them deep inside the sand. So he did just that, he took all the clams to the beach with his bare hands and buried them deep in the sand. Beaver’s plan ended up to be a success after the failed gossiping attempts by the clams who would try gossip but would instead get sand and water to rush into their mouths. 

I believe all heritages must have Oral Storytelling as a way to teach and maintain their culture. Without Oral Storytelling cultures and heritages would be bland or even go extinct. I know in my life growing up in Iran majority of life lessons taught to the youth were done through Oral Storytelling to help children build a core memory of the lessons preached to them. Some examples include ”consequences to actions” and ”thinking twice before speaking”. Although stories can be interesting and entertaining to people of all ages. Each culture has its own twist to the stories making it more compatible with where they come from and their norms but at the end of the day, they all help get a certain message across to people of all ages.