HCE 9 – English Write

I worked with Ali Meer

This image shows racism in our society. The blackbirds are the birds that represent most of the population. While the green bird is the only bird there. The blackbirds are being racist against the green bird because they don’t look like the blackbirds. The blackbirds said racist stuff like “Go back to Africa” “Migrants not welcome” and “Keep off our worms”. This image represents racism in our society. There might not be that many racist people among us, but racist encounters still happen a lot in our society and that’s what the picture shows. These birds are a perfect example of our society today. And it’s not something new. Racism and discrimination have been in our society for decades, but even nowadays it hasn’t gotten much better. Of course, things have changed but there hasn’t been enough change. An example of this global problem was the BLM riots, where people that were peacefully protesting got attacked by the police meanwhile the people who were not protesting peacefully were not being attacked even though they set a lot of things on fire such as buildings. They mainly took place in the United States but there were several other riots in other parts of the world.  

FlipBook – “The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian”

This is my Flipsnack about my English COL Project on “The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian” novel book. To complete this Flipsnack I used the knowledge and things I had already known from reading the book to answer the questions on the criteria document and put it onto a PowerPoint to, later on, upload it onto the Flipsnack website.

This is my first ever Flipsnack and it was pretty fun to do. The website was super simple and easy to understand and the uploading process went smooth.


Indigenous Exploration – Residential School

Indigenous Exploration Residential School Podcast:


In this podcast, me and two of my friends, Sion and Devin talk about Gordon’s Indian Residential School and some of the people involved with the school that had done a lot of bad things to the students/children that forcefully had to attend the school.

– Your experiences creating this assignment.

In my opinion, at first, the project seemed like a lot of work and that we were going to need more than a week to finish it, but as soon as we started working as a group the project went by super fast, especially the researching.

– Your group’s path in researching the topic.

Our path in researching our topic (Gordon’s Indian Residential School) was to find credible sources like .gov, .org, and also some university sites for our podcast. We tried our best to do so and only used Wikipedia as a base plate for our information, also making sure that the facts we did get from wiki were all legit by checking its credibility on trustable websites.

– Obstacles or items you learned in the recording.

Some obstacles we faced were definitely the amount of script we had by the time of recording, the time we had left to finish the project, and some recording issues. When it came time to start recording, once we had finished almost half our script, there would only be 2 minutes on the clock. We faced that obstacle by adding more to our script while recording to extend our podcast time. While going through that challenge of not having enough time after our script, there were some doubts about finishing on time because the assignment is due at the end of the day. In the end, by working hard and having to record in the hallways we pulled it off and got to finish the podcast on time.

– Reflection on one of the below core competency questions.

Communication – What are some ways that you use to communicate your learning?

Some ways I use to communicate my learning with others are either making a shared word document or group chat with the people where we can all share and show our learning and knowledge on a topic or by verbally communicating and telling my understanding. For example, for this project, a way I showed my communication skills is when I made a group chat and a shared word document for our group to put our research and script on.