Visual Safety Guide – Foods 10
1) Washing Hands: Before touching anything make sure to wash your hands, it is always important to have your hands clean before you work with food, so you don’t get anything bad in the food you are later on going to eat.
2) Spills And Slips: With any spills make sure to clean 100% of the mess up as fast as possible so the spill can’t hurt or come to another slip.
3) Knifes/Sharp Tools: When dealing with sharp objects like a knife for cutting, make sure to cut away from your body so you are less likely to cut yourself.
4) Wearing Mask: For my safety and yours, in the kitchen, you must wear a clean mask over your nose to prevent COVID-19.
5) Sickness: DO NOT COOK while showing symptoms of sickness. When cooking for yourself while sick you may cough and sneeze into the food which is unsafe, especially when cooking for more than just yourself.