HCE 9 – English Write

I worked with Ali Meer

This image shows racism in our society. The blackbirds are the birds that represent most of the population. While the green bird is the only bird there. The blackbirds are being racist against the green bird because they don’t look like the blackbirds. The blackbirds said racist stuff like “Go back to Africa” “Migrants not welcome” and “Keep off our worms”. This image represents racism in our society. There might not be that many racist people among us, but racist encounters still happen a lot in our society and that’s what the picture shows. These birds are a perfect example of our society today. And it’s not something new. Racism and discrimination have been in our society for decades, but even nowadays it hasn’t gotten much better. Of course, things have changed but there hasn’t been enough change. An example of this global problem was the BLM riots, where people that were peacefully protesting got attacked by the police meanwhile the people who were not protesting peacefully were not being attacked even though they set a lot of things on fire such as buildings. They mainly took place in the United States but there were several other riots in other parts of the world.  

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