~First People’s Principles Of Learning~

In the first week back from winter break our grade 9 class learned about the First people’s principles of learning. We learned about how they think learning should affect us and the environment. We were shown a video about the subject which I will provide a link to,

In this video there were a list of things considered as the principles of learning, these explained what learning was,

Two main words to think about were interconnectedness and sustainability. Interconnected refers to how everything is connected and sustainbility are things we do to make life better for the future generations.

I would like to share which three points about learning stood out to me and why,

“Learning involves recognizing the consequences of one’s actions” This point stood out to me because it’s very true we have to understand what the consequence of our actions are to be able to learn well. If we learn that if we do something it will result in a mistake we should recognize that and not repeat it.

“Learning involves patience and time” Patience is required for anything that you do, whether you are waiting for that iPhone you ordered online to be shipped or if you are designing an experiment to help out the community. You need to learn to have patience and fix your mistakes.

“Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story” Any information researched is somehow stored in history or it is passed down as a story. My dad would always tell me stories about his childhood and how he dealed with not having enough sources of food or light. Whatever action one is willing to take and learn about will be stored in their memory or even put down in history.

So how do these learning principles relate to the work I have done with my group in the recent projects such as the SSEP and the Engineering Brightness, to start it off my group tried very hard to create an experiment that hasn’t been done before. We put our brains together and thought about doing something to do with metals and their corrosion problems. Why we thought about this was because it could help people in the future know which kinds of metals to use for future space equipment. This relates to the principles of learning because we were trying to make the process easier for the future generations.

The next project we had was the Engineering Brightness,

For this project we are trying to build lights using kinetic energy and electromagnetism, we have been having skype chats with the Dominican Republic and a school in another province in Canada. The Dominican Republic chat informed us about the conditions the people are living in and how they are struggling with light poverty. The process of making these lights and having these chats make relations to interconnectedness and also sustaibility. Interconnectedness because of the chats we’ve been having and how we’ve been connecting with people around the world to help us and sustainability because whatever progress we do make will have an impact on what the future generations will try doing. In the future, if we do not make the lights at least we can learn more about how to make the circuits work and the future generations that decide to make these lights could use the information we have learned.

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