Wave Phenomena

IMG_0887 IMG_0883 IMG_0884 The first video is an example of standing waves, we can see that in the wave there are points that appear not to move which are called nodes. The second video is an example of contructive interference between waves which is when a crest is combined with a crest or a trough […]

Mendelian Trait

A Mendelian trait in humans is how long you sleep in. Someone who wakes up early would have the (S) gene and someone who wakes up at a normal time would have the (s) gene. Someone waking up early would have either SS or Ss genes but someone who wakes up at a normal time […]

The link to my sway is https://sway.com/bjGFKlv9LxZEJRuj my partners: Katie.P, Eva,K and Tobiasz My reflection: I think that my group did a good job taking advantage of our time and we worked very well together. We had very good comunication skills and could share details easily. I feel like this was a very good group and […]

Science app reveiw

My problem was that i was curious to see what different chemicals looked like when mixed together and what happened in a safe environment. When brainstorming i was thinking about an app that could let me mix things and an app that had a large variety of chemicals to choose from. I found an app […]