Year end reflection

I learned how to write a spoken word which is something I’ve never done before. I learned how to change the way I speak and change the speed when I present it. Also, I learned how to write interesting essays with detailed information and proper sentences. I learned how to keep the reader interested and […]


Statistics are important because they show what the majority thinks. Which helps the government make laws, salesman sell products that people would prefer and much more.   I learned that Statistics could be fake or opinion based so that would make them not factual, which shows me which ones I should trust. As I said the problems […]

Everything i know about exponents

1) Represent repeated multiplication with exponents To represent repeated multiplication with exponents you tale the multiplication ex. (2x2x2x2) you take the number and put it as the base and the amount the number is repeated is the exponent. so my example would be 2) Describe how powers represent repeated multiplication Powers represent repeated multiplication by […]

Science app reveiw

My problem was that i was curious to see what different chemicals looked like when mixed together and what happened in a safe environment. When brainstorming i was thinking about an app that could let me mix things and an app that had a large variety of chemicals to choose from. I found an app […]