What it may feel like to be a minority

Reflection: Something I am proud of from this assignment is the fact that I explained the whole side from each source so the reader has a better understanding of the factors coming into play. The first thing I woul like to improve on for next year is my grammar and sentence structure. The second thing […]

Totem Post Writing

I feel like the fact they Europeans were so ignorant towards them and their culture, they either felt the need to hide their culture, but were also forced to. Since so many children were wiped from their culture they lost their traditions because they were passed down by generation. SO many cultures and languages were […]

Persuasive Essay

Humans are born evil. If Jean Jacques Rousseau’s thinking about the fact that Humans are born good is correct, why is there laws in the first place? Humans are born evil; laws keep this evil back, and without said laws and societie’s rules, humans would go savage. The following sources are great examples of humans […]

Fear Photo

This is a picture of me and my family standing very close to a 200ft cliff, the bottom was very rocky and shallow with ocean water. I experienced fear due to my fear of heights. This fear affects my actions by making me not want to do risky things that could be fun if i […]

How do stereotypes affect people?

The book Oliver Button is a Sissy, written by Tomie Depaola, shows how boys are stereotyped through the character Oliver Button. He likes girly things and he is bullied and called names just because when you think of boys, one thinks of manly games and sports, not dancing or playing with dolls. So, the stereotype […]

Human Condition

How do stereotypes affect people? In the Oliver Button is a sissy book, written by Tomie Depaola, shows how boys are stereotyped through the boy Oliver Button. He likes girly things and he is bullied and called names just because when you think of boys, you think of manly games and sports, not dancing or […]