My poem Project

Presentation 3-2mepv7u

Poem Analysis

This poam is about life and the many faults as well as treasures it has. The speaker is the poet Singh Narula and she I think she’s talking to human race in general.  The tone in this poem is serious and a little bitter sweet, it has a even mix of sad and amazing things we expirence in life. This poem is one stanza with 15 lines and does not rhyme. This poem containes imagery, and repitition. I think this poam does an amazing job of describing life in general for most people.



1. I chose photo one because I thought it showed all the challenges we face on a large scale.

2. I picked the second photo because it’s just a simple present. To me this symbolizes that sometimes the gifts in life aren’t extravagant but we should still be grateful for them.

3. I really liked the photo of the girl crying for line three because all though you can see a tear on her face, to me her eyes look like she’s wanting to over come the sorrow she has felt.

4. I chose the fourth picture because you can see the fear the woman is feeling in the photo. This is the type of fear most would feel while facing tragedy.

5. For number five I chose a photo of a magnifying glass because I think it represents discovery much like the fifth line of this poem.

6. Number six is a photo of an arm reaching, i used this picture to literally show someone trying to take an opportunity.

7. Number seven I used a sketchy like picture of two people making a pinky  promise, everyone has made a pinky promise at least once in their life and j wanted picture 7 to be something anyone could relate to about keeping a promise. Even if it’s just a silly pinky promise.

8. For eight I chose a picture of a man beating a punching bag. I think this raw photo does a great job of representing the “fight” humans face everyday.

9. Number nine was a photo of a check list, I thought the check list showed the goals we set over our life times.

10. For ten I chose a picture of two people hugging because what gesture feels more loving than a hug?

11. Number eleven is a man on top of a mountain. When ever I think of being adventurous I always think of mountains for some reason, so this is why I chose this photo.

12.  This photo was chosen because the ballerina is putting her all into the time she has on the stage and I think that’s how we should live our lives much like this line says.

13. number thirteen is a picture of the human brain because we are the smartest animals on this planet and that’s why the human brain does such a great job of symbolizing how we as humans can out smart anything.

14. number twelve is another picture of mountains because I just think mountains are so beautiful and one of the many beauty’s of life.

15. Finally for number thirteen I chose a picture of Justin Bieber smiling because he started off with nothing just a poor child with a single parent and he has completely turned his life around along with many others.mhis music has been a huge part of why I’m so postive about life and that’s why for me he is a perfect example of making life great.