Math10 Week#7

Missing Angle

  1. Draw and label the triangle
  2. I had the opposite and hypotenuse side measurements so I used Sin.
  3. I wrote my equation (sinX = 12/40)
  4. then I put it into my calculator and used sin- to solve my equation


Missing Side1

  1. Draw and label triangle
  2. I had the opposite side measure to and the angle to find the ajocent side so I used tan
  3. I wrote my equation (tan25 = 15/x)
  4. then I out it into my calculator and solved it


Missing Said2

  1. draw and label triangle
  2. I had the hypotonuse measurement and the angle to find the adjacent side so I used cos
  3. I wrote my equation (cos5 = x/10
  4. because x was over ten I divided and used my calculator to solve the problem

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