Absolument Admirable

Artiste/Athlète – Absolument Admirable !

Kim is my favourite Kardashian.
Kim est mon prefere Kardashian.

What I love about Kim is her style.
Ce que J’aime Kim est son style.



Kim Kardashian was born October twenty first.
Kim Kardashian est nè octobre vingt et une.

Kim is thirty five years old.
Kim a trente-cinq ans.


She is married to Kanye West.
Elle es mariee a Kanye West.

Her parents are Kris and Bruce Jenner.
Ses parents sont Kris et Bruce Jenner.


Kim has four sisters and two kids.
Kim a quatre soeurs et deux enfants.

Her kids are named North and Saint.
Ses enfants sont nomment North et Saint.


Kim actss, sings, models, and she is a reality tv star.
Kim agit, chante, modéles, et elle es une star de la télé realite.

“Keeping up with the Kardashians” is one of my favourite shows
“Keeping up with the Kardashians” est une de mes émissions de favoritisme.
Recording of me reading http://www.soundsgoodauto

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