OIl Fracking in BC

What questions did you need to research in order to create your sway?

The questions we researched about oil fracking were: What is oil fracking, how is oil fracking bad for the environment, what do we need hydraulic fracturing for, is there alternatives for oil fracking, hydraulic fracturing in BC and, how does oil fracking produce energy.

What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

As we worked through this project, we used Sway. I have used Sway in my past projects, but it is not one of my usual digital tools that I would use for my personal projects. I find Sway really easy to use, and very useful. I think after this project I will start using Sway more often.

What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify and cite the information you found?

When we first started researching our topic, we both began looking at different questions and websites. Then we put all of our findings on our research tracking paper or straight onto the Sway pages. I cited our websites with “Cite This For Me”.

How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

The process of this challenge was good, but I would say that there were a few obstacles during the process. One difficult part of the challenge was doing research and creating the sway. We were trying to keep the research in our words and make the sway so that it wasn’t all words and no pictures. We could’ve used our time better in class and made our Sway a bit more creative. I think we could’ve finished earlier if we didn’t have to leave early for volleyball as well, but we still could’ve worked faster. I also think that we could’ve researched with other search engines other than google and edge.

Letter to George Heyman:



  • Development, ARCHIVED: Natural Gas. “Factsheet: Hydraulic Fracturing in British Columbia.” FACTSHEET: Hydraulic Fracturing in British Columbia, 26 Apr. 2016, news.gov.bc.ca/factsheets/hydraulic-fracturing-in-british-columbia.
  • “How+Hydraulic+fracturing+work – National Geographic Search.” National Geographic, www.nationalgeographic.com/search?q=how+hydraulic+fracturing+work&location=srp&type=manual.
  • Lark, Rachel. “What Are the Best Fracking Alternatives?” Environment Co, 8 Feb. 2023, environment.co/what-are-the-best-fracking-alternatives/.
  • McLean, Caitlin, and USA Today. “What Is Fracking and Is It Harmful? Key Terms and Negative Effects of Fracking, Explained.” Phys.Org, 19 Oct. 2022, phys.org/news/2022-10-fracking-key-terms-negative-effects.html.
  • “Michael A Benusic, UBC Medical Class of 2014,. Fracking in BC: A Public Health Concern. BCMJ, Vol. 55, No. 5, June, 2013, Page(s) 238-239 – Council on Health Promotion.” , bcmj.org/cohp/fracking-bc-public-health-concern.
  • “Regulator Halts Fracking Operations in Northeastern B.C. While It Investigates Earthquakes | CBC News.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 8 Dec. 2018, www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-halts-northeast-fracking-operations-while-it-investigates-earthquakes-1.4937438.

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