Digital Footprint

My Digital Footprint Assignment.

Alexis A

1.How might my digital footprint affect my high school experience?

Your Digital Footprint can affect your high school experience in both positive and negative ways. Unlike a footprint in the sand, your digital footprint is permanent. So, whatever you post online or on the internet, can last forever even if you delete it. Digital footprints aren’t always just what you post either, it can be what others post about you. If somebody says something bad about you and starts rumors, that wouldn’t make the best high school experience. That’s why we try and stay positive and cheerful so there isn’t anything bad to post about you. But there are also ways that your digital footprint can be positive and helpful. For example, posting an event for school or posting an achievement is already a positive step in your digital footprint. You can really connect with teachers and students and improve you high school experience by just sending out positive posts.

2.How can your phone have a positive and negative impact on your learning?

A phone can be both helpful and distracting during school. By helping in ways like if you forget your computer or device that day, you can temporarily use your phone to complete work. You can also use it to send photos to yourself or to take pictures of documents or homework. Some of the negative impacts that phones have on our learning are, distractions to you and your classmates, being disruptive and interrupting (not putting your phone on silent) or even cheating. These impacts are decreasing our learning and focusing abilities. One big negative effect that many teenagers now experience is using our phones at night. Our mobile phone has a blue light that makes your brain think it is still daytime. That can really decrease you sleep time and focus abilities. You might be falling asleep in class or getting distracted because you are tired or even daydreaming, which won’t help with your learning. It will simply make school harder.

3.What attributes or characteristics do you have that can contribute to a positive school culture?

A positive school culture is very important. Some of my attributes and characteristics that I have that can contribute to a positive school culture here at riverside are, being positve, friendly, kind, and thoughtful. All of these characteristics are all needed when creating a positive school culture.  I think being positive is important because when I see someone being happy, I get happy, and that shows me that when you’re positive, you can spread it along. Having characteristics like being friendly and kind are also just as important because I don’t think anyone wants to see someone in the halls being grumpy and rude, it would personally make my day worse.

Finally, being thoughtful. To me, being thougthful in school looks like thinking about others and how they might feel at certain times. It also looks like being welcoming and nice to other students so they feel safe and comfortable.


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