Canada’s Population Pyramids




The dependency ratio in Italy is pretty low as the number of people within the 15-65 age group sees a large spike in population, which allows dependent people to be balanced out with the “working” age group.

3. Italy is in roughly stage 5 which is the decline stage, the number of women to men is fairly even except for when they get older the women tend to outnumber the men. It has more of a hexagon shape, because of this large spike in population.

4. I think they need to be ready to accommodate this large sum of people that will be retiring all at once, which will be needing more health care as a lump sum because as this baby boomer gen. passes through the bottom of the scale needs to start to be able to even out, and because stage 5 is part of a decline stage they are going to need to figure out how to start to maintain the population up to a reasonable number. So just in general starting to reproduce more and more to start to catch up, so your dependency ratio doesn’t shoot really high as these baby boomers start to hit older age.

1 Comment on Canada’s Population Pyramids

  1. brchan
    April 14, 2018 at 12:28 am (7 years ago)

    Good. Should choose the stacked bar though.


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