October 23rd 2017 archive

Math 11 Radicals

I learned a bunch of new concepts pertaining to radicals this unit, as I look back on this unit I want to remember when to use what rules when specifically(like remembering that you cant find the square root of a negative number) I think it will help me to understand it better too in the long run. Radicals can be compared to fractions in that they can only be added or subtracted if certain things match (sort of like the denomenator) your radicand and index must match.I even learned more about myself this unit, I learned that I need to ask more about my homework until I truly understand and can do the questions fully on my own. I need to pay more attention to extra practice to have to do rather then assuming that I already know how to do all forms of questions (when I didn’t). I also learned that just because you do really good on one unit doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll do good on all of them, and I have to be more consistent.