Fahrenheit 451 Reflection

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Leading up to the presentation I took notes when we were discussing our section which was pages 27-32. I also added all of the information for the roles of literary luminary and  connections. When my group presented I presented the parts of literary luminary and connections.

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Lasting effects

Read the article here

What interested me about this article is how there are many things these days that have been happening in relation to something in the past but we rarely hear/read about them.  The Holocaust happened 74 years ago and people are still affected by it. What I liked about the authors style of writing was how they used lots of quotes from Eva Schloss which can really give us insight into how Holocaust survivors feel about people doing the Nazi salute and making swastikas.

Big Chances

Read the article here

What interested me about the article was that it is about a musical. I have a very big interest in musicals because I am maybe looking at a future in acting. What I enjoyed about the authors writing style was that it has lots of background information about Andrew Barth Feldman so you feel like you really know him. You also can relate to him because the author talks about what he likes, his personality, and what he does in his spare time. The connections that I made between the article and life was the fact that you never know when something is going to happen. The way that the author writes about how being in “Dear Evan Hansen” makes Andrew feel reveals how peoples wildest dreams can come true and they don’t even realize it.