racism then vs now

In my opinion racism is different now then before because now African Americans have the same rights as white people. Before it was African Americans were kept as slaves. Then slavery was abolished but Jim Crow laws were put into place so African Americans couldn’t use the same water fountains or washrooms as white people. African Americans also couldn’t be treated by a white nurse and to have their children educated separately. Some more evidence is how Martin Luther King jr really changed the world. He did this by doing non violent protest and trying to get white people to see how African Americans were the exact same and not different in any way. Also with the Ku Klux Klan they would terrorize and hurt groups/people they didn’t like  or agree with because they were unhappy with the way they and others were treated.


October lab reflection

The lab that I chose to reflect on was the “cake in a mug” recipe. I chose this recipe because this was a lab that I really enjoyed. I also chose this because it was a lab that wasn’t as big as the others but it was still very enjoyable. I enjoyed this lab because I had done something similar before but with a different recipe. It was nice because it was somewhat familiar so I kind of knew what I was doing but there was still new components to it. I also enjoyed this lab because it was the last lab with our first groups so it was kind of a nice goodbye. Our product definitely turned I the way I had hoped because it tasted and looked good. The only problem was that we mixed the chocolate chips into the.batter as opposed to putting them on top. It also turned out the way that I hoped because it was very chocolaty, there was the right amount of it, and the clean was very simple and didn’t take very long. My group worked ver well together on this lab because we all agree don how to do things and we all read through the recipe before we started. My group also worked very well together because everyone was following instructions, staying on task, and doing their job that they were supposed to be doing. If I were to do this lab agin I think that I would do everything the same because of how well everything worked.

Foods 11 September Lab Reflection

1. The lab that I chose to reflect on was the Apple strüdel chose to reflect on this lab because before we made them I had always wanted to try and make some kind of strüdel but I could never find a recipe and always for got to. I also chose to reflect on this lab because
2. I enjoyed this lab because it was something different that I had never made before and had always wanted to. I also enjoyed this lab because the the flavours were really good. At first I was worried that it wouldn’t taste very good because the endless looked as if they were a tad bit burnt but in the inside it was perfect with the sweetness and there was a perfect amount if apples inside. Also the icing that we put in the top brought it up to the next level because it added a hint more sweetness which was just what it needed to be perfect.
3. I think that my groups product turned out the way we had hoped because when they first came out of the oven they looked gold-ish and they tasted even better then they looked so that was a nice surprise. The apple strüdel also had an amazing smell which made them even better. I think what helped my groups product turn out the way we had hoped was that we have three members in our group so it keeps it so there is a really good amount of people in the lab so we could get things done fast but efficiently.
4. I think that our group worked well together during the lab. We had a few bumps in the road because at first the person that was kneading the dough was doing it wrong so we had to show them how to do it properly, we also were having a bit of trouble with the pastry folding onto the top and making them stick at first but we slowed down and had to just add a bit more water to them.
5. If I were to do this lab again I think that what I would do differently would be making a bit more dough so it would be bigger because I felt like I wanted so much more because it tasted so good but we didn’t have anymore so that was a bit sad but it was okay. Another thing that I would do differently is maybe adding a bit more cinnamon and sugar to the apples because you couldn’t really taste it.