Letter to a soldier

(I did it as a soldiers wife)

Here at home so much is happening. We have a new law called the war measures act. It makes it so the government can do whatever they want to get you and the other soldiers what they need.they have food, defence, materials, and many more things. They say the man in charge is Sam Hughes but that he has been replaced. They have started to censor mail and made people from Germany or Austria-Hungarian people carry identity cards. They have also created internment camps for all of the Germans and Austrian-Hungarians. They even have started to detain people without needing to have to have a reason for it. Many of the men that are still here are enlisting but the people from Africa, the Japanese and the First Nations are very discriminated against when they join. Also the women aren’t allowed to join because they think that we are too weak and emotional. Propaganda has started. I have heard from some Belgians that have fled here what happened. They told me how many are wounded and/or dead. Newspapers, posters, and magazines have used these stories and changed them around to make more people join. They say how barbaric Germans are and how they intend to destroy the civilized world. Many jobs have become open from all of the men leaving for war. We can now operate fishing boats, work on farms, and work in factories. I think that’s quite an improvement from being nurses, teachers, or servants because now many more women can work and bring home money. I work at a factory for filling artillery shells. Our motivation is having each other around and knowing that we are helping in some way. The economy has gotten really bad. The government has started raising prices for food we need to survive but not reasoning how much we are being paid. They started raising prices because so much of the stuff we need is being shipped off to the trenches. Us women have started to have more rights and equality ad we are finally allowed to vote. I’m not too sure if the war is a good thing because of how bad it has gotten here. I really do appreciate the fact that you have left to help Britain win the war. But is it really worth your life? You still have so much to live for because you are so young just like many of the other men in the war. I just hope that you return safe back to me when this is all over and I hope that the world returns to the way it was.

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