What it means to be Canadian

1. I think that part of being Canadian is everyone being treated right and fairly. I chose this resource because it is a link to the Canadian Human Rights Act which made it so that laws were created so people would all be treated fairly and equally. This reflects my perspective of Canadian identity because it was written and created as a law so that everyone could feel safer and everyone would have the same rights. What made me think that this resource was a good portrayal of being Canadian was the fact that a legal document was created for people to be treated right no matter their race, religion, gender, ethnic origin and even age. I think that if someone from the very early 1900s were to see this resource they might not entirely agree with what that means to be Canadian because back then the women were supposed to stay home and cook or look after the kids. They also might be surprised to see how many people could vote now. So I think that their view would differ from mine because of what it was like then compared to now.


2. I think that another thing of being Canadian is being free. I chose this resource because it is an actual image of the Canadian charter of rights and freedom. This reflects my perspective of being Canadian because it made it so everyone could have their own belief system, freedom of thought, opinion and expression, and also that every Canadian has a right to come and go as they please. I think that if someone from around 1810 were to see that this was created they might not agree because most people back then were Christian and it wasn’t right if you didn’t believe in god. I also think that their view would differ from mine because back then there were very few different religions and origins that they believed in compared to how it is now.

Headlines from 1982 proclamation of the Charter

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