Spanish 11 Goal & Reflection

My goal is to improve my listening skills so that I can understand native Spanish speakers in Spanish-speaking countries. I also want to improve my artistic skills in creating inquiry projects.  

Chemistry 11 Midterm Self-Assessment

A strength in the atomic theory unit for me was understanding ionization energy and knowing which elements have a higher or lower first ionization energy. I had difficulty remembering the names of the families on the periodic table and memorizing the orbital shell order because…

Midterm Self Assessment 2023

Pillar 3: Lab Skills Strengths: In physics labs, I apply safety principles with attention to everyone, as shown in the angled projectile launch lab by using the Nerf gun properly and making sure everyone stayed out of the projectile’s path. I operated and modified my…

Data Visualization Project

For this project, our class had to create a creative way to represent multiple data sets and explain why they are relevant to each other and to us. My partner and I decided to focus on the relationship between the amount of emissions per country…