1. Describe your current strengths and interests in relation to your work placement.
2. With reference to the course goals, employable skills and core competencies (see reference sheet), list three specific goals you have for your work experience placement.
– High interest and curiosity in science
– Collaboration and ability to work with others
– Eager to help and good problem solving
-Learn vital lab skills
-Veterinary anatomy and technology
-Discover various science fields
-Plan and manage time to work around multiple departments
-Be flexible, and apply knowledge from various disciplines
-Be more confident, and improve interpersonal skills through communication
3. Discuss your growth in each of the three goals listed above. Provide specific evidence of growth and development.
Working in multiple departments was a challenge, but I believe I managed my time well. I sent emails often and was good with communication, which is evidence of growth because I was never really challenged to communicate in a
professional manner with this many people. I made one mistake, and that was when I confused the dates of the VTEC off-site visit, which luckily worked out anyway (thank you). Other than that, I was always on time and managed to attend every lab and lesson.
I believe I was able to be flexible, although applying knowledge from various disciplines was difficult only because the departments I was working with were so different. I was able to improve my social skills, and I could apply those skills to every place I worked in. The knowledge I had from chemistry came in handy both during lab work with the chemistry faculty and in VTEC. There was a question about how much anesthetic to give to a patient that required knowledge of how to make dilutions and calculate the concentration. Thankfully, I could do this because of the formula I remembered: M1V1=M2V2.
My interpersonal skills have improved drastically, as I have both gained confidence and conversation skills throughout my time at Douglas College. Working with so many different people forced me to be good with introductions and small talk. After I spent some time with everyone I would be working with, I had less trouble keeping up conversations. An example of this is when Corrine took me out to lunch one day and my growth was shown because I felt confident in myself and had a thoughtful discussion with her.