Archive of ‘Grade 10’ category



The following are goals/competencies of PHE 10. 

Participating daily in physical activity designed to enhance and maintain health components of fitness and understand how healthy choices impact lifelong health and well-being. 

eg. I understand how healthy choices support lifelong health and well-being (nutrition, addiction, fitness, relationships)
I can identify and apply strategies to pursue personal healthy-living goals.

Participate in activities that allow us to enhance our mental health and well-being and understand how our lifestyle choices impact our lifelong health and well-being.

eg. I understand my mental well-being and can support others.
I understand factors that shape personal identities (social and cultural factors).

Develop movement skills, abilities, self-awareness, and leadership that will allow students to safely participate in physical activities with others in variety of contexts. 

eg. I can apply specific movement skills in physical activities.
I understand the strategies needed to compete in physical activities.
I understand the rules of the physical activity.
My personal exertion level demonstrates my best effort in physical activities.
I know how to play fairly and safely in physical activities.
I can show leadership in physical activities.

Participate and develop activities that allow us to enhance and promote the mental health and well-being of our school and community.

eg. I can connect with people in class, be a good teammate, and demonstrate sportsmanlike behaviour.
I know how to avoid and respond to potentially unsafe, abusive, or vulnerable situations.
I know how to appropriately respond to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying.
I know how to develop and maintain healthy relationships. 

Looking at the above competencies, answer the following: 

(you should have 2-3 sentences per category) 

Part 1: What areas (see above) do you think you are doing well in for PHE 10?  

Healthy+Active & Living, because I stay active in my normal lifestyle and like exercising and keeping my body healthy. I play few sports and love learning about new sports and being physically active.  

Part 2: In what areas do you need to put in more effort? ie: where are you struggling or finding things difficult? 

Physical Literacy. There are some areas in sports or body I want to improve on. For example, I would like to be better at running and cardio activities. I was a little disappointed with my results from the fitness test, so I would like practice and achieve a better result

Part 3: What is your goal for the second term of the semester? Where do you want to improve? How will you improve this area (be specific)? 

Getting at least 4/5 or above for every single activity in the Fitness test. I got ¾ on running, and 4/5 on push-ups. I would like the running to be 4/5 and push up to be 5/5. I could work on this goal by working out daily and going for a run minimum 2 to 3 times a week. (Also work on cardio and less heavy lifting exercises). 


Foundations & Pre-Calc 10 Core Competency

1) Did you feel prepared for the Functions & Relations unit test to the best of your ability? Why or Why not?
Yes i have reviewed previous notes and quizes
2) Did you make the changes to your study/work habits that you described in your Unit 1 Reflection? If not, why not?
Yes, working bit everyday
3) Are you happy with your progress in this class so far? Why or why not?
Yes, i have happy with my progress in this class
4) Describe a Strength that you think you have regarding what we have covered so far in Foundations & Pre-
Calculus 10. It could be about a specific curricular competencies or the core competencies.
My strength is focusing
5) Describe a Stretch (something that you still need to work on) regarding what we have covered so far in Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10. It could be about a specific curricular competencies or the core competencies.
My weakness is loosing focus easily
6) Describe a measurable Goal that you would like to achieve before the course is over. Include a description of how you plan to achieve this goal.
Making less mistakes on tests and can be achieved by paying more attention to details and checking/verifying my answers