January 2023 archive

HCE Visual Literacy Assignment

This image is about a time when indigenous children were forced to attend residential schools and were taken away from freedom and their backgrounds. The image shows the disrespect and how cruel people used to treat indigenous people. This is shown in the colours of the characters. Slowly fading away as the children suffer and lose their freedom because of the residential schools. In this image, I think the brightness of the colour is the biggest symbol, and it represents hope. Children were happier and filled with emotions when they were with their culture and families, but on the other side, students who have been stripped away from their background, seem as if they lost hope, and they have a dull gaze.  The smiles and facial expressions symbolize hope, joy and bonding between the indigenous people. The depth used in this image showed how many children suffered and lost their true colours in residential schools. Their facial expressions are also different. The less colour the children are the more sad, hopeless, and upset they look. The children on the other side are full of emotions and seem joyful and excited. Their gestures are also different. The colourful side of children is smiling at each other and sharing their happiness. They didn’t mix the children, instead, they put bright colours with dark, ones to show how hope was fading away from the indigenous children over time.