Substance Abuse Role Play Assignment

GROUP MEMBERS: Ely, Caleb, Nico, Josh, Alex

Your task: Use the scenario provided or make one up (needs to be approved by your teacher). The role play is meant to be in the context of a friendship/relationship that you care about and hope to maintain and has to relate to substance use or related addictive behaviours (i.e. Gaming, gambling, excessive use of Internet, etc.) 

SCENARIO (describe your chosen scenario briefly here): 

A student is using social media 8 hours a day, and his friends are trying to help. 


  1. What are the influences involved in your role play? (i.e., difference of opinion, going against your values, pressure from friends, pressure from a dating partner, etc.)  

-Difference of opinion. There were 2 opposite opinions, and both had to do with their desires and satisfaction. 

  1. Write a script for your role play (on a separate sheet of paper). 
  2. Explain how your conflict/issue was resolved. What skills were used to resolve this conflict/issue? 

The situation was where there were small opinion differences between friends. One wanted to play video games and spend time on social media, but other friends were energetic and wanted to play outside. To solve the situation, the energetic friends made a win-win deal, where if the gaming friends spends time playing outside with them, they will buy items or goods in the game. 

  1. How would using these skills make the person in the role play more resilient?
    A win-win situation is positive and gaining for both sides, which is often an agreement, and easy to persuade others. In the role play, we studied and figured out what the person would like to receive in order for them to follow our desire or steps.



CRITERIA  Exceeds Expectations  Fully Meets Expectations  Partially Meets Expectations  Minimally Meets Expectations  Does Not Meet Expectations 
Script  demonstrates a high level understanding of social influences  demonstrates strong understanding of social influences  demonstrates some understanding of social influences  demonstrates limited understanding of social influences  demonstrates minimal understanding of social influences 
Thinking/Inquiry  demonstrates a high level understanding of how communication skills, problem solving skills and decision-making skills impact resilience  demonstrates strong understanding of how communication skills, problem solving skills and decision-making skills impact resilience  demonstrates some understanding of how communication skills, problem solving skills and decision-making skills impact resilience  demonstrates limited understanding of how communication skills, problem solving skills and decision-making skills impact resilience  demonstrates very little understanding of how communication skills, problem solving skills and decision-making skills impact resilience 
Application  makes decisions for health with a high level of effectiveness  makes decisions for health with strong effectiveness  makes decisions for health with some effectiveness  makes decisions for health with limited effectiveness  makes decisions for health with very little effectiveness 
Communication  communicates ideas with a high level of effectiveness  communicates ideas with strong effectiveness  communicates ideas with some effectiveness  communicates ideas with limited effectiveness  communicates ideas with very little effectiveness 
Resolution   Resolution demonstrates understanding of the consequences of substance use and addictions with a high level of effectiveness  Resolution demonstrates understanding of the consequences of substance use and addictions with strong effectiveness  Resolution demonstrates understanding of the consequences of substance use and addictions with some effectiveness  Resolution demonstrates understanding of the consequences of substance use and addictions with limited effectiveness  Resolution demonstrates understanding of the consequences of substance use and addictions with minimal effectiveness 
Involvement   group members were equally involved        group members were not equally involved 


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