Week 3 in math 10



This week in math 10 we started a new unit on exponents. And one thing that really stuck out for me is using the laws to simplify equations. It also helps to know what to do when you chose the law.


Multiplication law – When you 2 or more variables with the same base and are sitting side by side, but different exponents all you need to do is keep the same base and add all the exponents together. (ex. 5^3 x 5^5 = 5^8) (3+5=8)

Division law – When you 2 or more variables with the same base and have one on top of the other but have different exponents all you need to do is keep the base and subtract the exponents and whichever side has the bigger exponent is where you place what’s left of the exponents. (ex. 2^9 ÷ 2^3 = 2^6) (9-3=6)

Power of a power law – When you have an equation with brackets and have an exponent on the inside and the outside of the brackets all you need to do is times the outside exponent by the inside exponents. (ex. (5^3)^2 = 5^6) (3×2=6)

Zero exponent law – When you have a variable the zero as the exponent it always equals 1, because there are no copies of the variable so you times the exponent by the coefficient. (ex. 7^0 = 1)

After knowing how to use these laws it now becomes easier to simplify equations.

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