Digital Footprint

Your digital footprint can affect your future opportunities. People can look back and see what you have done and it can affect the chance of you getting the job that you wanted. For example, you stole something from a store and you bragged about it online. Five years later you’re applying for a professional job and you get rejected because of it. Another example is that you were doing silly things that you thought were ‘cool’ and had posted news about it on social media. Maybe if thing ‘cool’ thing had stopped you from getting into certain universities that you may have wanted to join and not you can not get in anymore. Your digital footprint may even change what your friends think of you. You could of posted one thing that you thought could make you more ‘popular’ but then go down the drain as people may think that it’s cruel or is just not as funny as you thought it was going to be.

Keeping your digital footprint safe is a good thing. You should always think before you post something that you can regret. You can always deleted, but someone could have re-posted or have taken a screenshot of your post. You also may want to think somethings like; “Do I really need to post this?” “Is this going to help me in the long run? Or is it going to drag me down from the things I may want to be able to do in the future.” Always be careful with what you think you’re saying. People may mistake what you have said and it could affect you. By paying attention, you can be sure that your footprint is safe and that there is nothing to hide from anyone. Always make sure you know what you’re posting and what websites you are joining. Is it necessary to do or not?

Some information I’d like to pass on is that you should always think before you post and that things from the past and catch up to you in the future. Just make sure that everything you do is something you won’t regret doing later. Just be careful and even if you delete something, it’s most likely not deleted forever. It will always be in cyber space, waiting to come back and attack you. Don’t go crazy on posting things that are going to ruin your personality. The internet can be a place where you can be anyone, so don’t give others a bad impression on yourself. Always think before you post and make sure that you are okay with whatever you are posting and are happy with what it may be saying about you and/or your personality to others whom may not know you in person.

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3 thoughts on “Digital Footprint

  1. Mr. Robinson says:

    I like how your content and media blend seamlessly in this post. Happy to see you getting positive comments on it, too.

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