*Note* There are excessive stutters throughout the video as we had to rely on improv.
In our video, we created a minecraft locomotive (based on the ES44AC carbody)
We created this because we want to find a solution to our already problematic locomotive emissions. Theoretically we could’ve scrapped a bunch of those smoky Alco Locomotives & turned them into pots & pans, but we wanted to come up with a zero emissions locomotive.
What we came up with was the ES44AC-DM (DM meaning dual mode) The ES44AC-DM is a dual mode version of the already existing GE/ Wabtec ES44AC, the difference is that our locomotive is equipped with a dual mode system, meaning that it operates on hydrogen, and/or solar-electric power.
So for an example, when it’s a hot BC Heat Wave day out, the locomotive can use its solar panels to power up. Once it hits night or the battery runs out, it can operate on hydrogen power.
The advantage of this is that it doesn’t have to run on diesel fuel like those smoky Alcos did.
This isn’t the first time that dual mode locomotives have been done. For an example, in 2010 Bombardier Transportation (now Alstom) manufactured the ALP-45DP, which is a dual mode consisting of a fuel efficient diesel engine & a pantograph. When it’s running over electrified tracks (Catenary wires) it can use electric power. When there is no Catenary wires, it can run on diesel.
One big issue in the modern railroading industry is emissions, it’s a big problem not just for locomotives but also for our environment, & Greta Thunberg won’t stop talking about it.
New locomotives & future locomotives that are being built with the EPA’s Tier 4 emission standards. Tier 4 equipped Locomotives produce much less emissions than its much older counterparts, *COUGHS* Alco.
In 2025, the EPA’s Tier 5 Emission standards will go into effect.
Some ideas that we can do to reduce locomotive emissions are the following:
– Build new Tier 4 locomotives & sell them to even more railroads.
-Overhaul existing locomotives to increase fuel efficiency & the lifespan of the locomotive.
-Retrofit locomotives to be able to do dual mode (Diesel & Electric) power.
-Electrify existing railroad tracks.
-Use an alternative to diesel fuel like Hydrogen.
-Produce battery electric locomotives.
*Photo coming soon*
A solution to our issues with locomotive emissions could be that we could manufacture a dual mode locomotive with a Tier 4 equipped prime mover & also a pantograph. When the locomotive enters a stretch of track with catenary wires, it can switch to electric power, when it returns to a stretch of track where the catenary wires disappear, it can switch back to the fuel efficient engine that it has.
After doing this project, 2 things I did well on was using my existing knowledge on this project as trains are big interest of mine, and another thing was finding some good sources to use (Trains Magazine, & Railway Age).
2 things that I could improve on is finding a specific article to reference some of my stuff with as it was a challenge during the making of this post, another thing is trying to stay on “track” and trying not to just stare at all those trains!
Brann, David E. “Compliance won’t come cheap: what EPA’s Tier 3 and Tier 4 locomotive emissions standards mean for manufacturers and railroads.” Railway Age, vol. 209, no. 9, Sept. 2008, pp. 49+. Gale In Context: Canada, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A186269826/GPS?u=43riss&sid=bookmark-GPS&xid=7ba45095. Accessed 9 June 2022.
“Canada aims to regulate locomotive emissions.” Railway Age, vol. 217, no. 8, Aug. 2016, p. 15. Gale In Context: Canada, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A463401052/GPS?u=43riss&sid=bookmark-GPS&xid=30c466f0. Accessed 10 June 2022.
DNA is an abbreviation for the word Google Search aci- I mean Deoxyribonucleic acid.
DNA carries the genetic information of all living things. The shape of DNA is made up of 2 strands with rungs in between which makes it look like a ladder or a helix.
Each rung on the DNA “Ladder” is made up of 2 pairs, the sequence of the bases.
DNA provides the instructions for us to live.
How in the name of holy does DNA copy itself?
When DNA copies itself, it happens in 3 steps. First off, it starts with the opening of the DNA double helix with separation of the DNA strands happening after. Then, priming of the template strand happens next with the assembly of the new segment happening next.
Purpose: Which fruit will produce the most electric voltage?
Hypothesis: It will produce a very minimal voltage.
Reasoning: Because fruit/vegetables aren’t batteries, I wouldn’t be expecting much.
Materials: Fruit, Voltmeter, 2 wires, 2 different metals Copper (Cu) & Zinc (Zn), & a Knife… Wait a minute, the teacher handles the knife.
Procedure: Take the fruit or vegetable, cut it, then put the Copper strip & the Galvanized Nail in, connect it to the voltmeter & start recording data, try experimenting with different fruit/vegetable combinations to see what produces the most voltage. Hell! You could create a food battery tower!
Results: The potato emitted 0.7 volts, the tomato emitted 0.45 volts, & the carrot emitted 0.5 volts. When putting the carrot, the potato, & the tomato all in one, it produced 0.8 volts.
What was the independent variable, dependent variable, & the controlled variable?
-The controlled variable was the galvanized metal & the copper strip.
-The Independent variable would be the different types of fruit/vegetables used.
-The dependent variable would be the wires & the classic analogue voltmeter.
What is causing the electrons to flow?
The electrons are flowing because of the electrolytes in the fruit or vegetable.
My fictional story is about an Individual who was playing chicken around a live experiment.
Hi, I’m Florian Falkènvägen, & this my story of a science incident that happened back in grade 9. My teacher at the time was Mr. Brown, we were doing an elephant toothpaste experiment, of course at the time I had problems with getting distracted easily, I pulled out my earbuds & played Kraftwerk’s Techno Pop while Mr. Brown was teaching a very critical aspect of the experiment which was the dangers of elephant toothpaste, obviously I was distracted. Now the experiment has started, I grab my safety goggles (as I do have common sense) we start mixing the last bit of chemicals & we are at the last stage, I got to pour the chemicals together, not knowing that elephant toothpaste can get very hot. My head was recklessly right above the large flask as I pour the last bits of the ingredients from the beaker, then BOOM! The toothpaste shoots onto my face like a rocket from an old Disney cartoon, once the toothpaste dripped off, my face looked like a zombie from Call of Duty. I was rushed to the hospital for 2nd degree burns. After that incident, I payed more attention to future lessons, because if you miss one important part of a lesson, it’ll come back to bite you in the arse.
Corrosive: This WHMIS symbol is used for products that can cause well… corrosion. The hazards that can occur are it attacking & chemically destroying your exposed body tissue.
Explosive: The explosive WHMIS symbol is used for products or material that pose a severe fire or explosion hazard.
The health hazards involved are acute toxicity, skin corrosion or irritation.
Spray cans like spray paint & are a perfect example of when this WHMIS symbol is used.
My first impression of this visual is I see is a lady (let’s call her Karen) pointlessly yelling at an innocent African American who doing a hobby of his, which is bird watching.
As the karen is yelling, the man chooses to ignore the karen, which is a good choice as he is preventing the confrontation from worsening.
You can tell that she is yelling by the excessive use of capitals & the use of the bubble being highlighted red. While she’s yelling at the man, it shows his ancestors in the background who’ve probably had similar incidents.
It’s quite obvious that the lady is a karen, look at her! The way she’s dressed, her blonde hair and the way she’s yelling makes it quite obvious that she’s American, therefore a Karen.
What the author is intending to do is show the effects that racial profiling can have on someone.
In this case, the Karen is completely overreacting for no reason whatsoever. Which is normal for a Karen as they like to pick a fight for the stupidest reasons.