Periodic Table Feedback Reflection

1. What I know well about the periodic table

I got 14/20 questions right, I got lots of questions right that were related to Bohr models, family’s and periods. I would take some time to look at my periodic table to find out “Which family of elements contains a solid, liquid, and gas at room temperature?” So I feel confident with Bohr models and elements states at room temperature.

2. What I still need to work on regarding the periodic table

I need to know more about the elements them selves. I would need to know more about the atomic mass, symbols. If you asked me what symbol of oxygen was, I would know as that is one of the easiest to remember, but if you asked me what the symbol tungsten was, I would probably say something like T. So that’s what I think I need to learn on.

3. What I wonder about the periodic table

Part of me wonders how they chose the symbols. Like why is gold Au and iron Fe. THERE IS NO F OR E IN IRON. So that’s what I wonder about.

4. What goals I will set to understand the periodic table

I can work on making Bohr models as that will help me understand protons, neutrons and electrons and how they from a element.


Unit 2 Summary

I am going tell how to convert a decimal to a fraction

Here is an example


With decimals place value, the 2 is a tenth and the 5 is the hundredth spot. So you take the last number decimal spot which was the hundredth spot, so that’s our denominator.


We have our denominator which is 100 and 25 is our numerator. So our answer is 25/100


Here is an other question


comment your answer.


Fictional Science Safety Story

All right class, today we will be doing a lab scavenger hunt, there are 29 items on your list. The Rules are 1. no gum, eating or drinking in the lab, 2. no open toed shoes like sandals, wear footwear that covers your toes like shoes or boots. And number 3, if you have long hair, tie it back. Now go find the items!!!


20 minutes later, Bob came up to the teacher, “Mr. Ligma, where is the Evaporating Dish?” The Evaporating dish is other there in the drawer below the Ring Stand.” 5 minutes later, Charlotte asked the teacher what the Whmis Poster was

Guide To WHMIS Symbols 2021 – With Helpful Infographic and Resources - Update - ACUTE

Mr. Ligma Explained that all of the symbols mean hazards and that any chemicals with one of this logos should be held and used responsibly. 5 minutes later, Ben and Nick were running around playing tag and knocked over a bottle with a Pictograms: Your Guide to the WHMIS Symbols | Worksite Safety logo, then….. BOOM. During the chaos, vials are falling, children are scared, and Nick knocks a down another chemical bottle and it has a Flame over circle logo. As the Lab get consumed by flames, Bob starts hearing wake up Bob, WAKE UP. The Lab wasn’t on fire a debate was happening, on whether dissecting animals is right or wrong. Half the class thinks that dissecting for science is right and the other class thinks that it doesn’t matter if its for science or not. 30 minutes later, the class starts a lab, the Candle Lab. Bob go up and gets a Petri Dish and Beakers. 10 minutes later, the bell rings




Community Connection

For my Interview, I chose Ms. Thomas. She is an grade 8 teacher at Citadel middle school and is in charge of a musical that’s getting made at Citadel. The reason why I chose to interview her is because I kind of want to be a teacher in the future. I learned that you need a lot of patience and work very hard to become teacher and I have a lot of patience.


The Questions


Can you explain your roles and responsibilities with your current position?


What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?


What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?


Why are you passionate about your job or role?


Why did you choose teaching as profession?


What’s your favorite memory about being a teacher?


Thank you to Ms. Thomas for letting me interview you and giving me time to Interview!!!! 🙂

Explore the Field

Part 1 – How Can We Overcome Environmental Issues That Affect Beekeeping? – Sway

Part 2

My Questions???

What environmental issues can delay bee production?

What environment is the best for bee keeping?

How can environmental issues affect bees?

How Dangerous can environmental issues be?



Youtube (

Environment, UN. “About UN Environment Programme.” UNEP,

Leasehoney. “Leasehoney Matches Beekeepers, Landowners & Farmers.” LeaseHoney, 28 Mar. 2021,

Simms, Dan, et al. “The Leading Online Voice for Climate Friendly Living.” LeafScore, 6 Feb. 2023,

Citation Machine (


Photo Sources


First bee photo by Lisa Fotios

Graph by Scientific Beekeeping

Earth Photo by Reader’s Digest


The Process

The process was very interesting, I was able to find a graph and lots of good information. One of the hardest parts of the process was using Sway, at the start it was quite difficult, but I got the hand of it and thinking of my wonder question was also quite hard. The easiest part was making the sub questions.


HCE 9 – English Write

Aiden Mills

Ms. Rance

English language arts

10 January 2023


The picture I selected was number 3 “The Arrival: The New Country” created by Sean Tam. Based of the giant statue hand shaking, the main theme is collaboration and at the bottom of the right statue has a basket and food and left bottom of statue has vase, briefcase. I think that the right statue is like a colony with a lot of food, but a bad economy and the left statue is a colony with a better economy but less food. When putting those ideas in mind, the handshake stands for partnership between both colonies to make each other better. Now to the boats, the boats are most likely transporting people as the look more like ferries and everyone on the boardwalk or dock look like they are about to travel so I think they are ferries. The city in the background seems kind of advanced but kind of not, it is extremely unique architecture. Based off of everyone’s clothes in the picture, it looks very classy, but the buildings don’t so that is quite cool. And blacks, greys, and white make the photo look old and awesome looking. So that is what I think of the picture and what I think it is.