Explore the Field

Part 1 – How Can We Overcome Environmental Issues That Affect Beekeeping? – Sway

Part 2

My Questions???

What environmental issues can delay bee production?

What environment is the best for bee keeping?

How can environmental issues affect bees?

How Dangerous can environmental issues be?



Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/)

Environment, UN. “About UN Environment Programme.” UNEP, https://www.unep.org/about-un-environment.

Leasehoney. “Leasehoney Matches Beekeepers, Landowners & Farmers.” LeaseHoney, 28 Mar. 2021, https://leasehoney.com/.

Simms, Dan, et al. “The Leading Online Voice for Climate Friendly Living.” LeafScore, 6 Feb. 2023, https://www.leafscore.com/.

Citation Machine (https://www.citationmachine.net/mla)


Photo Sources


First bee photo by Lisa Fotios

Graph by Scientific Beekeeping

Earth Photo by Reader’s Digest


The Process

The process was very interesting, I was able to find a graph and lots of good information. One of the hardest parts of the process was using Sway, at the start it was quite difficult, but I got the hand of it and thinking of my wonder question was also quite hard. The easiest part was making the sub questions.


One thought on “Explore the Field

  1. Hey Aiden,
    I liked how you brought a bigger world problem and broke it down with beekeeping. Relating beekeeping to being able to help with climate change could really actually help with the world I think. I liked how you brought problems to life and actual ways to solve them, like your use of the graph and how its possible to fix it in the following questions.

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