Pre Calc 11 – Week 6 – factorable expressions containing functions

This week in math we learned how to evaluate factorable expressions that contain functions, containing variables like x and y. This process is important because it allows you to solve for the restrictions of the variables as well the skill of being able to turn a complicated expression into a more neat and clean looking expression. Being able to factor expressions containing functions is important because it is a concept that we will build upon in further units and levels of math. I chose this topic because I enjoyed the process of substituting my functions with variables.

Lets look at some examples…

Example 1.

My first step is to rewrite the expression by subsituting variables where my functions are. Once you do this, you will notice my new expression is similar to the expresson a^{2} + 4a + 3

Now that I have rewritten my expression, I need to find what multiples of 1 and 3, multiply  together to give me a sum of 4. In this case, 3 x 1 = 3; and 1 x 1 = 1 | 3 + 1 = 4 which is what we needed to determine the factors of our expression. We add the terms across giving me (1a + 3) and 1a + 1) or in other terms (a + 3)(a + 1)

Now we want to subsitute our original values of x into a. (X + 2 + 3)(X + 2 + 1)

Finally we can add like terms, since 2+3 = 5 the first factor is (x + 5) and our second factor is (X + 3)

Example 2.

In my first step, I substitute my functions of x + 2 and y + 5 with a and b; x + 2 = a; y + 5 = b

In my next step, I look for one thing in common between both terms. I divide 32 and -18 by the GFC of 2.

In this step, I move the two that I simplified the expression with outside of the brackets, you cannot get rid of it. This leaves me with 2(16 a^{2} – 9 b^{2})

I can further factor this expression because 16 and 9 are perfect squares, and a^{2} and b^{2} means that there is one a and one b in each set of brackets. This leaves me with  2(4a + 3b)(4a – 3b)

5. In this step, I subsitute my original functions back into my factored expression 2(4a + 3b)(4a -3b) = 2[4(x+2) + 3(y+5)] and my second term [4(x+2) – 3(y+5)

6. Now I can expand this expression and collect like terms. Distribute 4 to x + 2. 3 to y + 5. On the right side i do the same, distribute 4 to x and 2, and -3 to y and 5. My new expression is now 2(4x + 8 + 3y + 15) and on the right side (4x + 8 – 3y – 15)

7. Finally I can add like terms giving me 2(4x +3y + 23)(4x -3y -7)


Function : A function from a set X to a set Y assigns to each element of X exactly one element of Y.

subsitute: substituting the value of any one of the variables from one equation into the other equation.




What Darwin Never Knew – Life Sciences 11

Question : How did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct and how does it change the way we view evolution today and into the future? 

Darwin made his start on discovering the theory of natural selection on his five-year voyage on HMS Beagle from 1831 to 1836. HMS Beagle - WikipediaOn September 15, 1835 on the return route across the Pacific, the Beagle arrived in the Galapagos Islands where Darwin would make his most notable discoveries. It was here on the Galapagos, that Darwin discovered the vast diversity of different animals on the islands, some species being exclusively located on the Galapagos, such as the finches he discovered.Origin of the species: where did Darwin's finches come from? | Birds | The Guardian He noticed that different finches differ in the type of beak, depending on the island and how different tortoise species lived on islands with different environments, and that there were differences in their shells depending on their location. Darwin drew the conclusion that some species happen to change. Darwin began his study of dog breeder’s and how they were able to breed different dogs together to obtain a specific trait. All the evidence Darwin gathered led him to drawing his theory that ‘species can change over time, that new species come from pre-existing species, and that all species share a common ancestor.’ (khanacademy). 

     There were various pieces of evidence for Darwin’s theory of evolution at the time such as that of fossils. Fossils are preserved remains of organisms, often found in sedimentary rock. Fossils provide a record of how organisms evolved. nationalgeographic). hThis process of evolution can be visualized as a ‘tree of life’, showing that all species are related to eachother at a common ancestor, but branch off and evolve into different species. However, Darwin’s theory of natural selection, would be further solidified in 1953 with the discovery of the double helix DNA, by researchers James Watson and Francis Crick. With further investigation, it was discovered that many genes of DNA get translated into proteins that make up our bodies, and that DNA does not stay the same. This proves his theory that organisms are changing, and that there is a linear pattern that traces back to one common ancestor. DNA explains the patterns seen in homologous structures and provides even more evidence for Darwin’s theory of evolution. Some homologous structures can only be observed in the embryotic stages of development, but upon closer look, many organisms such as fish, humans, and birds share a similar homologous structure during the embryotic stage of development. Human embryo compared to other animals(biologyonline). For example, all vertebrate embryos have gill slits and a tail during early stages of development. The developmental patterns of these species begin to differ as development advances, which explains why the embryonic tail of a human is now a tailbone, and the ‘gill slits’ develop to become into the jaw and inner ear. These shared features suggest that all living things descend from a shared ancestor, and that this ancestor had DNA as its genetic material, used the genetic code, and expressed its genes. The reason that we do not still have our tail, and why we differ from birds or fish is due to Mutation. Hox genes encode transcription factors and are necessary during embryonic development for determining how the cells in a specific region develop, however all that is needed to determine if an animal has arms, or gill slits is a few mutations. This process entails a piece of DNA called a ‘switch’ that turns “on” or “off” genes. (What Darwin Never Knew). Genes are turned on and off in different patterns during development to allow for the differentiation of cells. This connects back to Darwin’s theory of evolution because it the reason that all species of life are related but evolve to become different. A great example of how mutations coded for a new species is that of many prehistoric fish, specifically that of the Tiktaakik.Started Out as a Fish. How Did It End Up Like This? - The New York Times (What Darwin Never Knew). It has the body of a fish with scales, but also the bone structure is seen in all four-legged forms. The fish evolved into what we know as modern-day land animals. However, some of the same bone structure remains between fish and land animals such as human. Another example is the biological composition of human and chimps. Chimps are human’s most closely related relative, with only a 1% difference in DNA. (What Darwin Never Knew) Once again, mutation is responsible for the evolution into different species. After the separation of ancestor lineages, human and chimpanzee genomes experienced various mutations such as single nucleotide substitutions, deletions, and duplications of DNA fragments of different size, insertion of transposable elements and the rearrangements of chromosomes. (Live Science). Differences in the sequences of DNA that turn genes on and off, and through sequences of the DNA that throw switches, is what is responsible for the large changes of different organisms, despite only small differences in the DNA molecule itself.  This shows how small differences in DNA can generate enormous change. 

      Today we view evolution as an accepted part of science, as the process of gradual change that takes place over many generations where traits are passed from parent to offspring (nature). Darwin can be credited for pushing to dismantle the idea that all organisms on earth are created by God, but rather have evolved over time and come from a common ancestor. Darwin’s theory along with the discovery of DNA provides a strong foundation for the future study of evolution. With the discovery of DNA, our understanding of genetic mutations such as microcephaly, will continue to revolutionise science and will aide in solving some of the greatest mysteries to date regarding evolution and DNA as science advances.

Sources :

Youtube : ‘What Darwin Never Knew”



Week 5 – Pre Calc 11 -Solving equations algebraically

This week in math, we learned how to solve radical equations using algebra. This is important because solving equations graphically is not always the most accurate or efficent. Using algebra to solve equations gives us a more precise, step-by-step approach to solving for our variable. I chose this topic because using algebra provides a strong visual as to what is happening throughout each step of solving the equation.

Let’s look at some equations to solve…

Example 1.

Step 1. In my first step, I recognize that their is a binomial on the left side of my equation. My goal is to isolate for x, and the first step in isolating x is turning this bionomial into a monomial. To cancel out my coefficent of 6, I can add -6 to each side of the equation, because what you do on one side you must do on the other side. 10 – 6 = 4 which gives me my value for the right side of the equation.

Step 2. In this step, I want to free the radicands from the square root sign, by squaring it. Square rooting and squaring are opposites, so this cancels out my root sign, leaving the terms on the inside the same. Once again, what we do on one side of the equation we must do to the other side, so we square 4 as well 4^2 = 16.

Step 3. In this step I am left with x – 3 = 16, but remember we want to isolate x, so we must add +3 to cancel out the -3 on the left side, and do the same on the right side, adding 3 to 16. Finally we have solved for x, giving us ‘x = 19’

Step 4. Verify! It is important to understand how to verify that your solution is correct by substituting it back into the original equation, to avoid an extraneous root. Since we know x =19, we plug it into the x value. \sqrt{19-3} gives us \sqrt{16}. We know that \sqrt{16} = 4 so now we cam combine our coefficent (6) with 4. 6 + 4 = 10 which matches our value on the right side of the equation (10 = 10,) our solution is correct!

Example 2.

In this example their is a fraction involved, which can look confusing when solving for x. However, we can use what we know with fractions to get rid of it.

Step 1. I know that the opposite of division is multlipication, so I multiply 5 on both sides of my equation to cancel my denominator of 5. That leaves us with \sqrt{14x-3}= 10.

Step 2. Now that we have gotten rid of our fraction, we can go about the equation like normal by canceling out the square root by squarting it, and doing the same on the right side of the equation as well. This gets rid of our root sign, and since we are squaring 10, we get 100 (10^2 = 100)

Step 3. Now we want to further isolate x. We can go about this by canceling out -3 with +3, and +3 is added to the right side which gives us 4x = 103.

Step 4. To get rid of the coefficent 4, which is infront of x, we divide both sides by 4. This gives us x = 103/4

Step 5. Verify! We need to plug 103/4 back into the x’s place. Luckily, since the original equation has coefficent 4, the denominator of 103/4 is canceled out. Now we can subtract \sqrt{103-4} which = \sqrt{100} / 5. The square root of 100 is 10, divided by 5 = 2. Which means 2 = 2, our solution is correct!


Glossary :

Extraneous root – values that we get when solving equations that aren’t really solutions to the equation.

Isolate for x = get the variable ‘x’ on its own.

Solution : A value or values which, when substituted for a variable in an equation, make the equation true

Substitue / substitution : Used to solve the system of equations it is like ‘plugging in’ your solution into the variable’s place.


Pre calc 11 – Week 3 – Simplifying roots with variable radicands

This week in math we added to our understanding of knowing how to evaluate roots, but instead of evaluating roots that have intiger radicands, we learned to how to break down a variable radicands such as ‘x’ or ‘a’ or ‘y’ or whatever the variable may be. I chose this subject because I learned how to visualize the process evaluating roots in a much more indepth way. This visualization applies to evaluating all roots and is something that I will take with me as I progress in pre calc 11,12 and calculus. Prior to Pre Calc 11, I felt intimidated by variables in math, seeing numbers and letters all mixed together often confused me but it is never as complicated as it seems if you learn the right approach. This skill is important because it is a reoccuring topic in math will advance.

Lets look at one example of evaluating roots with variable radicands.

In my first step, I broke down \sqrt{x} into \sqrt{x . x . x . x . x . x . x} because really, the index 7 is telling us there is seven copies of x!

In my next step I am looking for groupings of 2, because it is assumed that we know a square root’s index is an invisible 2, therefor we look for factors of two of the same value, in this case it is the variable x. In each set of two X’s, we only need one of the two when we move these groupings into the coefficent place. Whats left is the X that does not have a partner or another one of its self that it can group two, so we leave it where it is under the root sign in the radicands spot.

In my last step I put all of this information together to get x ^{3}  or in other words three copies of x. Make sure that when you are writing out your exponent of x that you don’t confuse it with your index!

Example 2.

To start off, we need to recignize that we are evaluating a cube root, that is why I circled the index ‘3’ and labeled it so we do not forget. That means we are looking for groups of three.

In my next step, I recognize that x ^{4} tells me that there are four copies of x. I like to write out all 4 x’s to better visualize this.

In my next step, I know that we need to find 3 x’s that we can group together as 1, because when dealing with cube roots, we are looking for groups of three of the same value. This leaves us with one x  left over that is not apart of the circled 3 x’s. This x is what stays under the root sign because it has no where else to go, it is unique and alone as the radicand. Our one group of three x’s however can be moved into the coefficent place to indicate that within our root there is a perfect cube (the three x’s).

Step 4. I put all of this together to get my final answer. Remeber however that in this example our index is three and not the exponent of x.


Coefficent : A number used to multiply a variable.

Exponent : the number of times a number is multiplied by itself (how many copies of its self there are)

Variable : an unknown numerical value written as a letter.



Inquiry process


For my inquiry project I had orginally planned that I wanted to create a watercolour painting but after various attempts I realized that It was not what I wanted to do. Instead I started creating a pottery set, starting with a small espresso cup. My challenges have been struggling to come up with a meaningful project and so I have been neglecting my inquiry project. My success has been finally creating something on the wheel that I am proud of and is meaningful to me. My goals for next week are to create more pieces to my inquiry project.

Here is what I have done so far.

Update 2

For my inquiry project I have been planning on making kicthen wear such as cups, mugs, and plates. So far I have not been able to create something that I am proud of but have learned a lot through each attempt. My biggest challenges have been the underglaze on my project smudging, and creating the lip of my most recent mug. My biggest success has been bettering my skills on the wheel and learning new things along the way.

Here is an updated photo of my work :

Update 3

This week I created a mug for my inquiry project on the wheel. My success of the week was creating a handle that I am proud of after previously struggling to create one. My challenges of the week was using the wheel to create this mug as I prefer to use slabs. I also decided to scrap the purple flower cup that I made because the underglaze smudged and I was not proud of this piece of work. My goals for next week are to begin sanding my new mug and underglazing it.

Update 4

This week I underglazed and overglazed my mug. My success of the week was underglazing my mug and using colours that I find visually pleasing. My challenge of the week was making the underglaze neat around the rim of the mug. My goas for next week are to photograph my mug and continue my inquiry project.

Update 5

This week I fired my mug and had to re apply overglaze where there was cracking on my mug. My success of the week was getting rid of the crack in my mug. I also created a heart shaped crystal platter out of a slab of clay. My challenges of the week were dealing with the cracking and shaping the heart shaped place.

Update 6

This week I added to my inqury project by creating a bowl on the wheel. My success was creating a shape to the bowl that I am satisfied with. My challenge was having to re start my bowl three times on the wheel and not feeling confident. My goals for next week are to underglaze and add fire my bowl.

Update 7

This week I created a design on my bowl. My success of the week was painting on clouds that I think look pretty and simple. My challenge of the week was coming up with a design that I wanted to encorporate on my bowl. My goals for next week are to overglaze my bowl and photograph the final product.

Update 8

Last week my success of the week was finishing the bowl I started and photographing my work. I also created and fired the base to my paper mache project, as well as sanding it down to polish it off. My challenge of the week was dealing with cracking on my mug and attempting to fix it again. My goals for this week are to continue working on my inquiry project.

Update 9

This week I have completed all three parts to my inquiry project. My sucess of the week was finishing these three dishes and writing my artist statements for each of them. My challenge of the week was writing the artist statements because it was the first time that I had written one. My goal for next week is to submit my inquiry project.



Weekly update

Last week I completed working on my inquiry project and finished paper maching my project. My challenge of the week was working with the paper machet because I had a hard time smoothing it down against my project. My success was making the machet smooth and flat to my project, and getting the final pictures of my inquiry project taken. My goals for this week are to paint my paper machet project and to dedicate it to someone.

sgraffito tile

Butterfly on Flower

09 May 2022, Ceramic scrafito tile

Aidan Starr

Yara’s and I’s collaboration

Creating this project was not difficult but challenged my creativitey and resiliance. My first tile cracked and I was not happy with my original carving, but was able to make changes to my tile that lead to success. I learnt the most throughout this project the significance of collaboration in art. I was able to share my idea with someone else to create a piece of art that expresses both of our creativite aspirations. If I were to re do this project I would use a deeper shade such as black because I think the contrast in colour to the carvings would be beautiful and far more prominent. In tern, I was able to improve my collaborative abilities and express myself through a form of art that was new to me.

Scrafito Tile Progress

This week I finished underglazing my tile, and today started and finished overglazing my tile. My challenge of the week was getting rid of some mould that formed over my tile. My success of the week was completing every step in creating my tile. My goals for next week are to photograph and name my tile.

Here is an updated photo of my overglazed tile :

Scrafitio tile update

This past week I have worked on designing, underglazing, and carving my tile. My goals for this week are to overglaze and complete my tile. My success of the week was carving on a pattern that followed my design and connected to Yara’s, and adding finishing touches to my tile to perfect it as much as I can. My challenge of the week was having to re carve some of the details on my tile and not feeling like it was to my standard.

Here are some updated photos of my tile :