Unit 2 math assignment Aidan Starr

This unit we covered powers and square roots, Pythagorean theorem, and covered exponent laws such as the Product rule, Quotient rule, Zero power rule, Combined Operations, Combining powers, Power to Power rule, raising a product to a power, raising a sum to a power and raising a quotient to a power, and estimating the square roots of irrational numbers. For my assaigment I will be doing just that and demonstrating how I can use multiplication to find the closest square root to an irrational number.

Step 1.

Find out If your number is an irrational number meaning it is a repeating decimal without a pattern or if it is a rational number.

Step 2.

Find two multiples that your number falls between.

Step 3 find which multiples your number is closest two.

Step 4 choose the appropriate decimal to estimate the square root of your irrational number.

For my examples I will estimate the square roots of the numbers 24 and 430.




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