
My Personal Health and Wellness

Name: _______Aidan____________________________


Unit 1 Lesson #1 – How Can I Manage My Stress in a Way That Would Benefit My Daily Health? 


Unit 1 lesson one

how can you manage stress in multiple ways that benefit your mental health and physical health? You can find a physical activity that you enjoy and look forward to, this also improves your physical health. This is something that benefited my health over quarantine, I started hiking, going on walks, and doing different body weight and weight training exercises. The sunny weather kept me outside and I found being outside made me calmer, happier and I slept better.  I grew as a person and worked on my health over Quarantine, and it helped me cope with all the new changes to our world with the pandemic. Other ways that I found benefit my mental health is disconnecting from technology more, I consciously made the choice to try and limit my screen time like while I was on walks, I would keep my phone in the pocket and enjoy nature around me. Doing anything you like will improve your mental health if it is healthy, like cooking, playing board games, doing art, exercising, and these are all things that I have started incorporating into my life. more connected. Listening to music is another way that you can improve your mental health, listening to songs that you relate to can be very beneficial. Spending time with my dog is another way of improving my mental health, alone time with my pet gives me time to relax and spend time with him and just pet him. If none of that works for you the biggest thing that can help you deal with stress is having a longer sleep each night.



Unit 1 Lesson #2 – How does technology influence my social, physical, and emotional health?

  Technology impacts my health in multiple ways, there are some positives and some negatives. One negative is that technology can be time consuming and lead to procrastination when it comes to doing certain things such as cooking or exorcizing. Technology can also be addicting as I and most teenagers and even adults get into the habit of constantly checking their phones. Most days my phone is the first and the last thing I see each day which can affect my happiness and emotional health. On the other hand, I have also learned to control how often I use my phone and know my limits. Before I check my phone in the morning, I make sure first to make my bed, and wash my face and brush my teeth before even touching my phone. Social media also has a strong influence on my life, but I have gotten to the point where I am in control of my social medias and they have no control over me. I use them to share pieces of my life, connect with friends and family, and see what others are doing. Thankfully I haven’t dealt with self esteem issues due to social media because I know that the glamour of everyone’s life that they portray on social media, they also live an average life and its not always glamours and perfect. I am still working on my relationship with technology and social media but I am being smart and positive through out it all.



Unit 1 Lesson #3 – How Can I Support the Mental Health and Well-Being of Myself and Others Now and in the Future?

Unit 1 Lesson #3 – How Can I Support the Mental Health and Well-Being of Myself and Others Now and in the Future?

Mental health is an important part of everyone’s life including my own. Different ways I can support my mental health as well as others is checking in on myself and those around me. Asking people how they are doing and being aware of what behaviour can be concerning for their mental health as well of my own. Identifying concerning behaviours is something that I can do to help prevent bad situations. I can identify what is a mental health concern and if it is overly concerning, I can seek the help of a trusted adult. I can build trust with others and be a good listener. If I know that someone is posting or saying something concerning, I can talk with them but contact an adult if they are still showing concerning behaviours. The best thing I can do in any situation that I feel is concerning regarding my mental health or the mental health of someone around me is to talk with the person or talk to someone I trust, if talking to someone doesn’t help with what I/they are feeling than it Is never a bad idea to talk to a counsellor, teacher, parent, someone that you can trust.



Unit 1 Lesson #4 – What Does it Mean to You to be in an Unhealthy Relationship?


I would identify a toxic relationship that I am in if I feel like I am being gas lighted (not listened to, belittled etc.) If I feel pressured in any way by a partner, parent, friend, adult that I have a personal relationship with, to do something I know I am not comfortable with. If I am being taken advantage of, that means whoever is taking advantage of me, has an unhealthy relationship with me. Obviously, if there are any circumstances of abuse or harassment whether it be verbal, sexual, physical, those are all situations that would be an unhealthy relationship. If I feel a lack of control over my life due to someone else, I can identify that as an unhealthy relationship. For example, being told where and where not to go, talk to, wear, say etc. If I have trust issues with someone that always means something and is to be taken seriously. Trust issues are due to past behaviors’ or actions that have strained your trust, and relationship. These are only a few examples but, in any relationship, you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, and not cared for it is usually a sign of an unhealthy relationship.


Unit 2 Lesson #1 – What Can I Do to Help Myself or Someone Else (now or in the future) Who May Be Showing Signs of Addictive Behaviours?


Making sure that I can properly identify harmful or concerning behaviors is one of the most important factors of being able to help someone with addiction or signs of addiction. I can talk with them and help them find resources that will help them with their symptoms or addiction. I can support and encourage them to find help from a trusted adult they feel comfortable around. Some recourses that I can provide them with are counselors, youth workers, and certain websites. Personally, I do not want to be the one to fix their problems, because there is so much that only I can do. I can talk with them about their home life/situation, and make sure they are in a safe environment before taking major measures. For myself, I can find someone and educate myself on people who will be able to help me. I can talk to a counselor or a youth worker about my addictive behaviors. I would make sure that I am open to certain individuals about my addiction if I had one so that I can be treated properly for my addiction. It may be difficult to be open with others but having resilience is a major factor in getting better and sober.



Unit 2 Lesson #2 – How Can You See Yourself Using the Skills of Delay, Refusal, and Negotiation in Your Daily Life?


I can see myself getting out of uncomfortable situations or even dangerous situations. I am not the person to go out a lot but at one point throughout my life I am sure I will have to use delay refusal or negotiation. If it means someone has offered me a substance but I do not want to upset them about saying no I can delay the situation by saying “let’s try this another time.” If it is something a lot smaller like being offered a drink at a friend, I am comfortable withs house, I can just use refusal skills like “No thank you, I’m fine.” If I am in a situation where I have used refusal skills, but it did not go well and the other person got irritated, and I do not feel safe I can use negotiation skills like offering them something else to do that they enjoy. It is important to have delay refusal and negotiation skills so that I can come off as polite and prevent situations from turning bad. If I end up in a situation where I feel like panicking, I can use my skills to prevent things from escalating and keeping my self-safe. Being able to have the skills of saying no to something can prevent addictions or unhealthy habits that were developed because of peer pressure. Negotiation, delay, and refusal skills will keep me safe when I must handle a situation of peer pressure. I can use these skills to safely party, interact with new people, keep myself safe, or even in a much worse situation.




How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the communication competency?


In what ways might you further develop your communication competency?


Describe how the artifact you selected shows your strengths & growth in specific core competencies. The prompt questions on the left – or other self-assessment activities you may have done – may guide your reflection process.


Social Responsibility

How did I build new relationships in PE?

I built relationships by listening thoughtfully to the people around me and using kind words with others in an unfamiliar environment so that I could develop new friendships. When my peers were talking, I used body language to show I was listening to what they were saying and had an open mind to things they would say or ideas they had. If I disagreed with something one of my friends said, I would listen to what they said, give positive feedback and share my idea and letting them know I feel, in a respectful way. I contributed to my community and cared for the environment by respecting COVID-19 19 guidelines to keep others safe. I missed my friends and have not seen them after school hours for a long time, but I respect my community’s safety, so I keep my social interactions to at school only and always wear a mask and practice social isolation. Another way I contribute to my community is having a positive and kind attitude especially with people in my community it might be small, but it has a positive impact on others around me. I value diversity by advocating for minorities and spreading valuable information to bring awareness to certain situations like Black Lives Matter. My friendships are not based off race, religion, sexuality, or gender, they are based off the individual’s characters and personal morals.














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