About Aidan
Vous êtes votre seule limite
-un known
I chose the quote Vous êtes votre seule limite because over this past year I have started to find my passions and explore more of what I enjoy from all the free time we have gotten this year. Over the past 6 months I developed a big passion for exercise specifically weight training and hiking which is something I keep up very regularly. It has opened many new doors for me as well such as Cooking which is another passion I have developed this year with exercising and cooking I get to test my resilience and improve on many other things than just exercise like balancing my school work with personal time, Learn my way around procrastination and always aiming for the best I can do weather it’s an assignment, Something at the gym or even a new recipe.Another passion I never in a million years thought I would explore over the summer was learning Italian. I was not going to learn it without using it to my advantage though, so I took it for credits starting a grade 10 course before even starting grade 9 over the summer which I gave my 100% best effort towards and loved learning. I have learned so much about resilience and taking the quote I chose “Vous êtes votre seule limite” (You are your own limit) to life by working past my old limits and giving what I enjoy my best effort all the time and aiming for success. If anything I hope that this short sum up of me going through my passions and explaining how I have learnt Resilience, balance, Pushed past procrastination and learnt creativity shows that I will always give my best and push through even when I feel a lack of motivation and hopefully you learned something new about me while reading this and welcome to my Edublog.
My favorite You tube video : https://youtu.be/arj7oStGLkU
I chose a ted talk I really like about pushing passed procrastination which is something everyone faces including me as well but it is something I have worked on pushing through. I also liked how he added aspects of comedy which made it more enjoyable to watch and very engaging.
Inspiring photo : https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Z9MU3BcDjaez3rqhAwzEyQHaEK?w=321&h=181&c=7&o=5&dpr=1.05&pid=1.7
I chose this photo because it takes the expression jumping for success to real life.
The website I chose was sticking to the Ted talk theme where you can watch any ted talks you want for motivation, tips for success, and Advice you might end up needing in life when you need a boost in creativity or the energy you need to keep pushing through with school, work or anything challenging. https://www.ted.com/talks