Periodic Table Feedback Reflection


  1. What I know well about the periodic table?

After doing the Kahoot, I understood what information I know about the periodic table. I did well on the Kahoot and my concepts are pretty clear. I did well on questions related to the periodic table and our most recent lab which is “Meet The Elements” Questions like, “How is the periodic table arranged?” “What elements fall under the metalloid category?” is something I got right and I understand. I also know what metalloids are and where they are located on the periodic table. I was correctly able to identify that tin isn’t part of the metalloid section. Mr. Robinson talked about how the periodic table is arranged based on its atomic number and chemical properties which is why I will never forget the foundations of the periodic table. I was also able to demonstrate my learning when questions related to the elements were asked. For example, I was correctly able to answer that copper and gold aren’t silver-coloured metals. My understanding on what malleable, ductile, electrons, protons and neutrons is also good. Overall, I feel I have a strong understanding on majority of the topics and just need more practice to polish down my concepts.

Image result for metalloids

2. What I still need to work on regarding the periodic table?

This Kahoot helped me recognize what areas I need to study for on the periodic table. When questions related to the periodic table families were asked I got a few of them wrong. Anything related to the rows or columns confused me. For example, one of the questions asked, “Do families all have the same number of valence electrons?” I got the question wrong because I wasn’t sure if this statement was right or wrong. I also need to work on my understanding of Alkali metals, Halogens and Noble Gases. When a question related to the characteristics of Alkali Metal was asked, I was confused and didn’t know the right answer. Another concept I need to work on is how to identify ions. I got a question wrong when it asked if the Sulphide ion had more electrons than protons. I need to focus more on the characteristics of Alkali metals, the classification of the periodic table and identifying ions.

Image result for periodic table

3. What I wonder about the periodic table?

A few things I wonder about the periodic table are,

  • How is Mendeleev’s periodic table and the periodic table we use today different?
  • What process was done to determine the atomic weight of each element on the periodic table?
  • Why are there question marks on some of the elements on the periodic table?

Image result for mendeleev working on periodic table Image result for uus element

4. What goals I will set to understand the periodic table better?

To understand the periodic table better I just need to spend more time understanding and analyzing it. For our upcoming quiz, I plan on studying the different families in the periodic table and understanding their properties. I also want to focus more on building and understanding the different properties of an ion. I think the best strategy is memorizing all the important parts of a periodic table like the alkali metals and noble gases.

Halogens and Noble Gases Authors


2 Comments on Periodic Table Feedback Reflection

  1. Sean
    March 9, 2023 at 9:21 pm (2 years ago)

    Excellent job analyzing the data you received about your knowledge of the periodic table. Awesome to see you set learning goals that you shared with others who can help you. This will definitely help you succeed in your understanding of Science. Can I use this as an example for future students?

    • Agraja
      March 10, 2023 at 7:26 pm (2 years ago)

      Thank you! Yes, you can use it.


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