Category: Self-Assessment
Réflexion Finale et Core Competencies
Les compétences essentielles- FRL 10
Inquiry Project Reflection
Self Assesment for Miserables Board Game- Francais langue 9
Indigenous Explorations- The Health Hype Podcast (Ep. 1)
This week in English 9 Honours, we created a podcast that explores Indigenous Topics. Of the options given, we chose “Health”, and decided to explore three aspects; Nutrition, Environment and Healthcare. So there you have it, the first episode of The Health Hype Podcast! Here are some resources and organizations that you should check out!…
One-Pager – Pathways to Theme
As part of our Grammar Unit in English 9 Honours, we were assigned to create a one-pager about one of a selection of children’s books that Mrs. Shong set out for us. I chose a story by John Marsden called The Rabbits, which is one of the three short stories in the book “Lost &…
Français 9- CC de la projet immersion clip
Pour ma classe de Français Langue 9, nous avons fait partie au concours Immersion Clip. Voici ma vidéo:
Dragon’s Den Project- The Garden Guarder
A few weeks ago in Science 9 Honors course, we were assigned to create a “Dragon’s Den” project in combination with our COL course, Solution Fluency, for our electrical unit. For this project, we were assigned to solve any problem, big or small, and in the end, our group agreed on tackling the problem of…
Projet Podcast- Core Competencies Reflection
Here is my reflection for my first podcast episode: