June 2022, Multi-Media
Agam Bokovza Mariash
This project is a multi-media award that I made for the last project we were assigned in 3D Arts 10. The project was called Custom Paper Mache Award and gave us the task of awarding ourselves for a unique aspect of ours.
For my award I chose, as signified by the name, to grant my creativity. Creativity portrays the aspects that I value in my own innovation through the lightbulb made popping out of the figurine’s head, the face that shows but an eye and mouth, and the one hand on the right. The colour of the award represents a Mexican proverb that I love- We are all made of the same clay, but not from the same mold.
The materials that I used for this piece are chopsticks, aluminum foil, tape (all three for the inside), clay (for the base), paper mache, wire, and acrylic.