3D Studio Art 10

Monster Mug Final Product


April  2022, Ceramic

Agam Bokovza Mariash

  • Food safe ✓
  • Has a foot✓
  • Has a unique expression✓
  • Has a handle (two even!✓



  1. How difficult did you find this project?

I find that although the making of the mug itself was not very difficult, the long process of under glazing, then finding that the glaze was too thin, then glazing again, then overglazing, was the hardest part. There was also the problem of attaching the different parts over the course of the pre-bisked detailing. As previously mentioned, in the detailing section of this project, the handle (amongst other details such as the eyes), fell and cracked repeatedly.

Overall, I would give this project a 7/10 (10 being like super hard, like make you cry hard).

2. What did you learn the most about during this process?

Slipping and scoring! Yeah, throughout making this mug, I properly learned the importance of slipping and scoring, especially when adding details over the course of several days. I was also lucky enough to have been introduced by a peer to the simplicity of using a brush to smooth the work with! Which I am grateful that I learned of prior to bisking Gerald, for he would have come out wayyy rougher had I not.

3. What would you do differently if you had to do this project again?

I would take my time with under glazing, and apply many more layers than I initially did. I would also smooth out the inner walls of the mug so that they are not so bumpy.

This was such an amusing creature to make, and I am overall quite proud of the finished product. Gerald is perfect, even with the uneven glaze around his eyes, and his dainty lazy eye.






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