3D Studio Art 10

Coil Pots Product- Finishing Touches and Documentation


After a long wait for the kiln to be fired, my coil pot was finally ready for her photoshoot, and might I admit, she is looking snazzy! Ladies, gentlemen and agender folks, I present to you, my coil pot!


Phantasm of Green

Ceramic Glaze

February 2022

Agam Bokovza Mariash



~top view
~the other face







Some background on the piece:

Phantasm of Green was created in part of our very first project in 3D Studio Arts 10. This was, if not the only then one of the few times I had ever handled, let alone glazed, clay.

  • Food safe ✓
  • Has 3+ coil styles ✓

This was so much fun to make, and overall, I am just very happy with the finished product, as my initial idea to mix different tones of green glaze turned out quite to my taste.

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