Indigenous Exploration – Kamloops Indian Residential School –
-When creating this assignment, I gained a lot of knowledge about what used to happen in residential schools. At first, I was assigned a group member to do this project with, however, due to a change of plans I had to do it by myself so that changed things up for me a little bit. But going through the research and assignment I started to get a hold of it.
-My path in research was slow at first but then I started to use better and more reliable sources and in the end, I think I got a decent amount of information.
-This assignment made me use my critical thinking skills, as I did not have much information on the Kamloops Indian Residential school in the past. I underestimated the mistreatment that happened against the Indigenous people, and how many could’ve been affected by what happened. I think doing this assignment changed my mind to think more about the tragedies that occurred and how important they really are.
Thank you for posting your “Indigenous Exploration” audio project (podcast). As the assignment was completed for both English 9 and COL, I have the following feedback for you on the post:
– All elements of the assignment’s post were well done and properly uploaded
– Citations or a works cited section could have been added on where you found the information for this assignment
– Reflection on blog somewhat explains process taken to complete the assignment, could have been expanded upon
– Clear audio quality and delivery, some added music would help the tone
– Podcast is fairly well done, although under 4 minutes of content, should have been minimum of 6 minutes
Overall, this assignment was well done. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you!
Mr. Barazzuol
COL Teacher