Gender Equality English 9

My article about gender equality is

The article is about women earning less than men in Canada right after graduation. The article involves working men and women in Canada.

I chose this article because I feel that men and women should be treated equally in the working world.

This news article relates to the story we are reading – The Friday Everything Changed? – because the girls in the story were not allowed to get water from the railway as they were considered not physically strong or fit enough. This relates to real life because it is less common for women to be firefighters, construction workers and professional athletes. These careers require a lot of strength or endurance, which generally men believe women either do not have or are not as skilled at.  For example, as an athlete, women play sports that are less physical and difficult and there are less spectators.  Due to this, women get paid less if there are less spectators. If there are less spectators, the league and teams don’t make as much money, which means the players get paid less. For example, in men’s NBA basketball, Lebron James is getting paid $30 million in one year, whereas in the women’s NBA, Kayla McBride is getting paid $163,000 in one year.