The Friday Everything Changed questions

Here are my answers for the Friday Everything Changed questions.


  1. There will be less of a chance for them to carry it and it represents power and freedom.
  2. They don’t let them participate in playing baseball. Alma’s cousin try’s talking to her and say that it’s not that fun and its cold.

Elements of Fiction

3. Seat mate Alma’s tells the She agrees with Alma and sticks with the other girls toward her. The other girls and she admire Ms. Ralston for all the beautiful clothes she has on. She thinks his cool how a long way the teacher hit the ball. It’s told from the perspective of the first person

4. The story takes place somewhere in Canada, in a one room school after the Person vs. person, the boys and the girls fight over who gets to carry the bucket of water. Person vs. Society, the girls try to show that girls can do whatever boys can do.

5. The protagonist is a girl in the school named Alma. We know because she is the one who first started it all by asking why the girls can’t carry the water bucket.

6. Now the girls get to carry the bucket of water and its equivalent Ms. Ralston showed the girls can do the same thing that boys can do. The author says you must stand up and fix it when something is wrong. It’s all about gender equality.