A Fresh Look at the Periodic Table

DEFINE/DISCOVER:Try recreating the periodic table in a creative manner that makes sense. How is the periodic table being reorganized in our own way? How do we display any item information (charge, mass, etc.)? What are the current patterns on the periodic table? What groups can we put the elements in?

DREAM: Our visual representation of our Periodic Table simple and imaginative version. It will make the elements more appealing but still have all the detail. The recreation will be organised, colorful and neat.

DESIGN/DELIVER: My plan is to recreate the periodic table by having it from least to greatest in densities, and to have it as a one big connected square. We will also be coloring the solids, liquids and gases different colors.

DEBRIEF: In the end, everyone was happy with the finished product, because it was colorful, neat and contained detail and all of the criteria. For me it was very good, but we could have chose more things to change about it. Such as we could have added more depth and just done it by name too.