Week 3 Pre Calc 11

This week we went over some review at the start of the week, then had our unit test on Wednesday. Following our unit test, we moved on to the second unit, “Radical Operations and Equations,” which is essentially a continuation of unit one. In this lesson, I learnt about mixed radicals and whole radicals, but I also learned about defining variables, which is something I hadn’t learned before. Not only must we evaluate radicals, but we must also determine if the variable is larger than or equal to 0 or less than or equal to 0. There were additional radicals incorporating variables that altered the outcome of each question. I don’t fully comprehend it, which makes it difficult for me to come up with the appropriate vocabulary to express it, but when faced with an equation like cubed root of -8×2, I initially attempted to determine what the cube root of -8 was. -2 for simplicity. I then used it as the coefficient and left everything else the same, resulting in my final answer of -2 cube root of -8×2. I’m still not confident in my abilities, but I’m optimistic that by the end of the week, I’ll be able to pick up on things.

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